Re: [GENERAL] need ``row number``

Re: [GENERAL] need ``row number``

am 24.09.2004 22:34:47 von gsstark

Tom Lane writes:

> Karsten Hilbert writes:
> > I am not convinced I'll need a SRF. I am not trying to
> > calculate something that isn't there yet. I am just trying to
> > join two views appropriately. I might have to employ some
> > variant of Celko's integer helper table but I'm not sure how
> > to proceed.
> A fairly common hack for this is to use a sequence:
> create temp sequence tseq;
> select nextval('tseq'), * from (select .... order by ...) ss;

But I thought she wanted to get the row number within a group. Not the row
number for the entire result set. A sequence can't do that. Or at least, I
suppose it could but it would be mighty strange to see setval() in a SELECT
query. And I can't think of how to detect the level break in a select query


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