Re: Doubt

Re: Doubt

am 28.09.2004 22:39:00 von Paul

On 22/09/2004 12:11 S.Sreejith wrote:
> Sir,
> I am new to PostgreSQL. I have a doubt. Now i am doing one project
> in .NET technology with postgres(linux) as database. I am using pgADMIN
> and pgManager as tools for database releted activities. Now i am able to
> create functions with 'sql' language. When i select 'pgsql' as language
> for creating query, an error poping up. How to create Query using 'pgsql'
> language. if any new tools need to be installed. Plz rectify. Mail me back
> at

I bet you haven't enabled pl/pgsql use createlang. Read the docs.

Paul Thomas
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