SELECT with Function
am 29.09.2004 15:51:49 von postgres
This is my first message to pgsql-novice.
I create plpgsql function "myfunc(integer)" thats returns of type
record with values from table X (the function decides what record must
be select). The parameter is an keyprod existing in table X and in
table A.
It run well sending in psql:
SELECT * FROM myfunc( 10006530 ) as (vret1 numeric, vret2 numeric);
The problem is:
I need return data from table A (this have column 'keyprod'). This
value (keyprod) must be passed as parameter to myfunc(). The result
must be a union of columns selected from table A and result of
How to create this query? It's possible?
Paulo Nievierowski
PS: Excuses my poor english.
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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Re: SELECT with Function
am 01.10.2004 18:46:45 von ojciec
Hash: SHA1
Paulo Nievierowski wrote:
| PS: Excuses my poor english.
Your english is excellent. MY is poor!!
| I create plpgsql function "myfunc(integer)" thats returns of type
| record with values from table X (the function decides what record must
| be select). The parameter is an keyprod existing in table X and in
| table A.
| It run well sending in psql:
| SELECT * FROM myfunc( 10006530 ) as (vret1 numeric, vret2 numeric);
| The problem is:
| I need return data from table A (this have column 'keyprod'). This
| value (keyprod) must be passed as parameter to myfunc(). The result
| must be a union of columns selected from table A and result of
| myfunc().
| How to create this query? It's possible?
Look at this:
drop table dupa cascade;
create table dupa (a int, b int, c int);
insert into dupa (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3);
insert into dupa (a, b, c) values (2, 3, 4);
create or replace function ttt(int) returns record as '
~ r record;
~ select * into r from dupa where ($1=a);
~ return r;
' language 'plpgsql';
And then:
ojciec=# select * from ttt(1) as foo(aa int, bb int, cc int);
~ aa | bb | cc
- ----+----+----
~ 1 | 2 | 3
Is this what you need?
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Re: SELECT with Function
am 09.10.2004 17:11:37 von postgres
Dear Marcin
Thanks for your reply.
My created function running well as exposed by you in ttt() function
and this is no problem.
I need extend this query.
prod_id numeric(10)
prod_name varchar(40)
My function, as your ttt(), return 3 values and value prod_id from
TableA must be parameter to function.
I like obtain as result:
prod_id, prod_name, v1, v2, v3
The first 2 columns is from TableA and v1,v2,v3 is from function.
How create a query that return this row? Or it is impossible?
I have tried with UNION and JOIN without success :-(
Excuse me: you is polish? From Poland?
I brazilian descendant polish.
Paulo Nievierowski
On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 18:46:45 +0200, Marcin Piotr Grondecki wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Paulo Nievierowski wrote:
> | PS: Excuses my poor english.
> Your english is excellent. MY is poor!!
> | I create plpgsql function "myfunc(integer)" thats returns of type
> | record with values from table X (the function decides what record
> must
> | be select). The parameter is an keyprod existing in table X and in
> | table A.
> |
> | It run well sending in psql:
> | SELECT * FROM myfunc( 10006530 ) as (vret1 numeric, vret2
> numeric);
> |
> | The problem is:
> | I need return data from table A (this have column 'keyprod'). This
> | value (keyprod) must be passed as parameter to myfunc(). The
> result
> | must be a union of columns selected from table A and result of
> | myfunc().
> |
> | How to create this query? It's possible?
> Yep.
> Look at this:
> drop table dupa cascade;
> create table dupa (a int, b int, c int);
> insert into dupa (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3);
> insert into dupa (a, b, c) values (2, 3, 4);
> create or replace function ttt(int) returns record as '
> declare
> ~ r record;
> begin
> ~ select * into r from dupa where ($1=3Da);
> ~ return r;
> end;
> ' language 'plpgsql';
> And then:
> ojciec=3D# select * from ttt(1) as foo(aa int, bb int, cc int);
> ~ aa | bb | cc
> - ----+----+----
> ~ 1 | 2 | 3
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend