How to convert 3 colums to timestamp with timezone

How to convert 3 colums to timestamp with timezone

am 03.10.2004 22:50:13 von jens.arnfelt

Hi There!

Hope this is an easy one :-D

How do I convert 3 individuel colums with type "date", "time" and
"integer" to at timestamp with timexone?

eg. tabel
cStartUnixtime cStartTime cStartZone
09-24-2004 10:27:12 -2

This I have to present as an timestamp with timezone.

Thanks in advance
Jens Arnfelt

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Re: How to convert 3 colums to timestamp with timezone

am 04.10.2004 01:42:43 von Bruno

On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 22:50:13 +0200,
Jens Arnfelt wrote:
> Hi There!
> Hope this is an easy one :-D
> How do I convert 3 individuel colums with type "date", "time" and
> "integer" to at timestamp with timexone?
> eg. tabel
> cStartUnixtime cStartTime cStartZone
> 09-24-2004 10:27:12 -2
> This I have to present as an timestamp with timezone.

You can add the date and time to get a timestamp and then use AT TIME ZONE
with the second argument being the integer times an interval of 1 hour.
Sort of like the following:
bruno=> select ('2004-9-24'::date + '10:27:12'::time) at time zone (-2 * '1 hour'::interval);
2004-09-24 07:27:12-05
(1 row)

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