Re: Howto turn an integer into an interval?

Re: Howto turn an integer into an interval?

am 05.10.2004 13:44:56 von achill

O Erik Wasser Ýãñáøå óôéò Oct 5, 2004 :

> Hi List,
> I got a table named foobar with two fields
> last_sms is a 'timestamp without timezone'
> resend_interval is a 'integer'
> I choose 'integer' for resend_interval rather than a 'interval' because
> the frontend can easier handle the number of seconds. But now I'm stuck
> with the query to get all rows that we're older than 'resend_interval'
> in seconds.
> My first try was:
> FROM sms_groups
> (current_timestamp - last_sms) > '3600 seconds'::interval
> This is working great and returns all rows that are older than a hour.
> But how I do this with the colum 'resend_interval' in the query?
> FROM sms_groups
> (current_timestamp - last_sms) > resend_interval::interval
> gives me only a "cannot cast type integer to interval". So how can I
> turn an integer to an interval? Or is there an other solution?
> Suggestions?

If you know for sure that you are keeping resend_interval in seconds,
then try as follows:

foodb=# SELECT (59::text||' secs')::interval;
(1 row)

foodb=# SELECT (120::text||' secs')::interval;
(1 row)

foodb=# SELECT ((3600*25)::text||' secs')::interval;
1 day 01:00:00
(1 row)


> P.S: I'm using psql '7.4.5' of gentoo.


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Howto turn an integer into an interval?

am 05.10.2004 14:07:41 von erik.wasser

Hi List,

I got a table named foobar with two fields

last_sms is a 'timestamp without timezone'
resend_interval is a 'integer'

I choose 'integer' for resend_interval rather than a 'interval' because
the frontend can easier handle the number of seconds. But now I'm stuck
with the query to get all rows that we're older than 'resend_interval'
in seconds.

My first try was:

FROM sms_groups
(current_timestamp - last_sms) > '3600 seconds'::interval

This is working great and returns all rows that are older than a hour.
But how I do this with the colum 'resend_interval' in the query?

FROM sms_groups
(current_timestamp - last_sms) > resend_interval::interval

gives me only a "cannot cast type integer to interval". So how can I
turn an integer to an interval? Or is there an other solution?

P.S: I'm using psql '7.4.5' of gentoo.

So long... Fuzz

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Howto turn an integer into an interval?

am 05.10.2004 14:38:48 von lists

try :

resend_interval * '1 seconds'::interval

this will convert your seconds into an interval.

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: Howto turn an integer into an interval?

am 06.10.2004 07:01:42 von Sad


SELECT ('3600'::int::abstime-'epoch'::abstime)::interval;

try to modify this idea to fit your purpose.

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: Howto turn an integer into an interval?

am 06.10.2004 10:13:27 von erik.wasser

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 13:44, you wrote:

> If you know for sure that you are keeping resend_interval in seconds,
> then try as follows:
> foodb=# SELECT (59::text||' secs')::interval;
> interval
> ----------
> 00:00:59
> (1 row)

Thanks for this solution and the others. It's now working very fine. B-)

So long... Fuzz

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