Using timestamp in function

Using timestamp in function

am 05.10.2004 17:37:51 von trissl


I am using PostgreSQL 7.4 and was trying to log the time each part of a
function needs. I found a pretty helpful bit of code in the documentation: s.html

I used the following function, called inside the another function:

CREATE or replace FUNCTION mylog_test(integer, varchar) RETURNS
timestamp AS '
logtxt ALIAS FOR $2;
curtime timestamp;
curtime := ''now'';
--INSERT INTO logger VALUES ( nextval(''seq_log''), curtime,
RAISE NOTICE ''TIME: %'',curtime;
RETURN curtime;
' LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I expected, that the variable curtime gets a new time value, each time
the function is called (at least that is what I understood from the
documentation). This works fine, if I test it with
SELECT mylog_test(5, 'test');
But as soon as I call the funtion from another function (which I need)
the variable curtime does not change anymore.

Can anyone tell me why this does not work and does anyone know a
solution to this?

For test purposes here is a function called test, which does nothing
else than to call mylog_test(..) and spend some time calculating.

CREATE or replace FUNCTION test() RETURNS text AS '
i integer;
j integer;
k integer;
FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP
PERFORM mylog(3, ''val '' || i);
FOR j IN 1..2000000 LOOP
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

SELECT test();

Any help is appreciated


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Re: Using timestamp in function

am 05.10.2004 18:06:55 von tgl

Silke Trissl writes:
> I expected, that the variable curtime gets a new time value, each time
> the function is called (at least that is what I understood from the
> documentation). This works fine, if I test it with
> SELECT mylog_test(5, 'test');
> But as soon as I call the funtion from another function (which I need)
> the variable curtime does not change anymore.

"now" refers to the transaction start time. You can get at current time
of day with the timeofday() function.

regards, tom lane

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Using timestamp in function

am 05.10.2004 18:19:12 von Mike

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 05:37:51PM +0200, Silke Trissl wrote:

> CREATE or replace FUNCTION mylog_test(integer, varchar) RETURNS
> timestamp AS '
> n ALIAS FOR $1;
> logtxt ALIAS FOR $2;
> curtime timestamp;
> curtime := ''now'';
> --INSERT INTO logger VALUES ( nextval(''seq_log''), curtime,
> substr(logtxt,0,200));
> RAISE NOTICE ''TIME: %'',curtime;
> RETURN curtime;
> END;
> ' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> I expected, that the variable curtime gets a new time value, each time
> the function is called (at least that is what I understood from the
> documentation). This works fine, if I test it with
> SELECT mylog_test(5, 'test');
> But as soon as I call the funtion from another function (which I need)
> the variable curtime does not change anymore.

"Functions and trigger procedures are always executed within a
transaction established by an outer query...." [1]

"It is important to know that CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and related functions
return the start time of the current transaction; their values do not
change during the transaction....timeofday() returns the wall-clock
time and does advance during transactions." [2]

[1] html

Michael Fuhr

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