Database Backup

Database Backup

am 06.10.2004 04:39:38 von getsreejith

Now i am working on Linux database server/Windows Client project.
I have a doubbt. How to take DB backup from my windows client machine
where DB is intsalled at linux server. pg_dump doen't works from
windows client butr its working from local server machine. How to
rectify the problem. Then ho w to call pl/pgsql function from VB/.NET.

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Re: Database Backup

am 06.10.2004 17:19:11 von sklassen

* sreejith s [2004-10-06 08:09:38 +0530]:

> Now i am working on Linux database server/Windows Client project. I
> have a doubbt. How to take DB backup from my windows client machine
> where DB is intsalled at linux server. pg_dump doen't works from
> windows client butr its working from local server machine. How to
> rectify the problem.

What errors are you getting?

> Then ho w to call pl/pgsql function from VB/.NET.

I don't know if there's some VB/.NET specific voodoo, but the
following should work:

SELECT foo() AS result;

Steven Klassen - Lead Programmer
Command Prompt, Inc. -
PostgreSQL Replication & Support Services, (503) 667-4564

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