Query from different Database

Query from different Database

am 07.10.2004 10:52:38 von wahab

I'm looking for a solution to make a query from two different databases. If anybody has an experience or know how to solve it, please help me. Thanks.

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Re: Query from different Database

am 07.10.2004 16:05:46 von Robert_Creager

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When grilled further on (Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:52:38 +0800 (MYT)),
Abdul Wahab Dahalan confessed:

> I'm looking for a solution to make a query from two different databases. If
> anybody has an experience or know how to solve it, please help me. Thanks.

I believe that the contrib module dblink will do what you want, but I've never
used it.


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Re: Query from different Database

am 07.10.2004 22:58:08 von systemguards

--- Robert Creager
> When grilled further on (Thu, 7 Oct 2004 16:52:38
> +0800 (MYT)),
> Abdul Wahab Dahalan confessed:
> > I'm looking for a solution to make a query from
> two different databases. If
> > anybody has an experience or know how to solve it,
> please help me. Thanks.
> >
> I believe that the contrib module dblink will do
> what you want, but I've never
> used it.

What about using schemas not databases. Selects
between schemas are fully supported.

Jaime Casanova

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match