help on a query

help on a query

am 08.10.2004 05:03:07 von tech

Hi all,

This is one of those things I know I should know, but it's not coming to
me. It's probably really simple.

I have two related tables, registrations and receipts, related by the
field registration_id.

So registrations looks kinda like:

registration_id bigint (primary key)
foo varchar(10)
bar varchar(20)

and receipts looks like:

receipt_id bigint (primary key)
registration_id bigint (foreign key)
amount float
baz varchar(10)

If someone has paid, there is a row in the receipts table for that
registration ID#.

I need to find a list of the registration IDs that *don't* have an entry
in the receipts table.

Thanks in advance!!!

Michelle Murrain
mmurrain at dbdes dot com
413-222-6350 ph
617-889-0929 ph
952-674-7253 fax <--- new
AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
Skype: pearlbear

"I see all the different religious traditions as paths for the
development of inner peace, which is the true foundation of world peace.
These ancient traditions come to us as a gift from our common past. Will
we continue to cherish it as a gift and hand it over to the future
generations as a legacy of our shared desire for peace?" - His Holiness
the Dalai Lama

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 05:10:33 von tfo

A query that should get the job done is:

SELECT registration_id
FROM registrations r
FROM receipts
WHERE registration_id = r.registration_id

There might be a more efficient version with JOINs that don't require a
subquery, but this should get you started.


On Oct 7, 2004, at 10:03 PM, Michelle Murrain wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is one of those things I know I should know, but it's not coming
> to me. It's probably really simple.
> I have two related tables, registrations and receipts, related by the
> field registration_id.
> So registrations looks kinda like:
> registration_id bigint (primary key)
> foo varchar(10)
> bar varchar(20)
> and receipts looks like:
> receipt_id bigint (primary key)
> registration_id bigint (foreign key)
> amount float
> baz varchar(10)
> If someone has paid, there is a row in the receipts table for that
> registration ID#.
> I need to find a list of the registration IDs that *don't* have an
> entry in the receipts table.
> Thanks in advance!!!
> --
> .Michelle
> --------------------------
> Michelle Murrain
> mmurrain at dbdes dot com
> 413-222-6350 ph
> 617-889-0929 ph
> 952-674-7253 fax <--- new
> Page:
> AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
> Skype: pearlbear
> Jabber:
> "I see all the different religious traditions as paths for the
> development of inner peace, which is the true foundation of world
> peace. These ancient traditions come to us as a gift from our common
> past. Will we continue to cherish it as a gift and hand it over to the
> future generations as a legacy of our shared desire for peace?" - His
> Holiness the Dalai Lama
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 06:44:23 von Sad

On Friday 08 October 2004 07:10, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
> A query that should get the job done is:
> SELECT registration_id
> FROM registrations r
> FROM receipts
> WHERE registration_id =3D r.registration_id
> );

Don't, PLEASE, don't !!!

drive this way :

SELECT r.registration_id
FROM registrations AS r
LEFT OUTER JOIN receipts AS rec
ON rec.registration_id =3D r.registration_id
WHERE rec.registration_id IS NULL;

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 15:02:00 von CHRIS.HOOVER

Just curious, what is wrong with the first way of coding the solution?
------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )---------------------
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:44:23 +0400
To: Thomas.F.O'Connell[tfo],
Subject: Re: [SQL] help on a query

On Friday 08 October 2004 07:10, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
> A query that should get the job done is:
> SELECT registration_id
> FROM registrations r
> FROM receipts
> WHERE registration_id = r.registration_id
> );

Don't, PLEASE, don't !!!

drive this way :

SELECT r.registration_id
FROM registrations AS r
LEFT OUTER JOIN receipts AS rec
ON rec.registration_id = r.registration_id
WHERE rec.registration_id IS NULL;

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 15:03:34 von achill

O CHRIS HOOVER Ýãñáøå óôéò Oct 8, 2004 :

> Just curious, what is wrong with the first way of coding the solution?
> ------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )---------------------
> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:44:23 +0400
> To: Thomas.F.O'Connell[tfo],
> Cc:
> From:
> Sender:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] help on a query
> On Friday 08 October 2004 07:10, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
> > A query that should get the job done is:
> >
> > SELECT registration_id
> > FROM registrations r
> > SELECT 1
> > FROM receipts
> > WHERE registration_id = r.registration_id
> > );
> Don't, PLEASE, don't !!!
> drive this way :
> SELECT r.registration_id
> FROM registrations AS r
> LEFT OUTER JOIN receipts AS rec
> ON rec.registration_id = r.registration_id
> WHERE rec.registration_id IS NULL;

Some one could add the same dont please dont, and advise:

select registration_id FROM registrations
where registration_id not in (select registration_id from receipts);

but its actually version/data dependent i suppose.

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 17:06:57 von tfo

I think the OUTER JOIN version is probably more efficient, but EXPLAIN
would tell you.


On Oct 8, 2004, at 8:02 AM, CHRIS HOOVER wrote:

> Just curious, what is wrong with the first way of coding the solution?
> ------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )---------------------
> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 08:44:23 +0400
> To: Thomas.F.O'Connell[tfo],
> Cc:
> From:
> Sender:
> Subject: Re: [SQL] help on a query
> On Friday 08 October 2004 07:10, Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
>> A query that should get the job done is:
>> SELECT registration_id
>> FROM registrations r
>> FROM receipts
>> WHERE registration_id = r.registration_id
>> );
> Don't, PLEASE, don't !!!
> drive this way :
> SELECT r.registration_id
> FROM registrations AS r
> LEFT OUTER JOIN receipts AS rec
> ON rec.registration_id = r.registration_id
> WHERE rec.registration_id IS NULL;

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: help on a query

am 08.10.2004 17:19:21 von tech

Thomas F.O'Connell wrote:
> I think the OUTER JOIN version is probably more efficient, but EXPLAIN
> would tell you.

Well, this all makes me feel better. For everyone's edification:

select registration_id FROM registrations
where registration_id not in (select registration_id from receipts);
Generates 0 rows

The OUTER JOIN version is quite a bit more efficient (by an order of
magnitude) than the option with WHERE NOT EXISTS subquery.

Thanks all for the help. Saved my butt again!!

Michelle Murrain
mmurrain at dbdes dot com
413-222-6350 ph
617-889-0929 ph
952-674-7253 fax <--- new
AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
Skype: pearlbear

"I see all the different religious traditions as paths for the
development of inner peace, which is the true foundation of world peace.
These ancient traditions come to us as a gift from our common past. Will
we continue to cherish it as a gift and hand it over to the future
generations as a legacy of our shared desire for peace?" - His Holiness
the Dalai Lama

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: help on a query

am 09.10.2004 05:17:38 von gsstark

Michelle Murrain writes:

> The OUTER JOIN version is quite a bit more efficient (by an order of magnitude)
> than the option with WHERE NOT EXISTS subquery.

This is going to be heavily dependent on the version of postgres. IN/NOT IN
execution has improved a lot in 7.4 and later. If you're still on 7.3 then the
outer join will be better. But in 7.4 I would actually expect the NOT IN or
the NOT EXISTS to be faster.


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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?