Impact of foreign keys on a simple count(*) ?

Impact of foreign keys on a simple count(*) ?

am 09.10.2004 05:37:33 von Benny

Hey folks (long email, my apologies),

I am wrapping up my schema upgrade, and I just noticed a real
show-stopper for me... Here is the "before" table structure:

email_id | integer | not null
joejob | boolean | default false
bayes_poison | boolean | default false
perm_error | boolean | default false
bait_id | integer | default 0
num_recip | integer | default 1
product | integer | default 1043
date_received | timestamp with time zone |
only_date | date |
only_time | time with time zone |
maildir_file | character varying(64) |
errors_to | character varying(512) |
reply_to | character varying(512) |
spammer | character varying(512) |
return_path | character varying(512) |
received_from | character varying(512) |
message_id | character varying(512) |
target_domain | character varying(512) |
mail_date | character varying(512) |
x_priority | character varying(512) |
x_msmail_priority | character varying(512) |
x_mimeole | character varying(512) |
mime_version | character varying(512) |
subject | character varying(1024) |
mail_to | character varying(2048) |
x_mailer | character varying(2048) |
content_type | character varying(2048) |
user_agent | character varying(2048) |
cc | character varying(2048) |
comments | character varying(8192) |
last_mod | timestamp without time zone | default
amp(6) with time zone
"emails_pkey" primary key, btree (email_id)
"emails_idx_bait_id" btree (bait_id)
"emails_idx_mail_to" btree (mail_to)
"emails_idx_only_date" btree (only_date)
"emails_idx_only_time" btree (only_time)
"emails_idx_product" btree (product)
"emails_idx_received_from" btree (received_from)
"emails_idx_subject" btree (subject)
"emails_idx_target_domain" btree (target_domain)

And here is the "after" structure:

email_id | integer | not null
joejob | boolean | default false
bayes_poison | boolean | default false
perm_error | boolean | default false
num_recip | integer | default 1
mydom_id | integer | default 0
spamv_id | integer | default 1053
spammer_id | integer | default 1003
last_mod | timestamp with time zone | default
with time zone
bait_id | integer |
product_id | integer |
date_received | timestamp with time zone |
only_date | date |
only_time | time with time zone |
maildir_file | character varying(128) |
x_priority | character varying(128) |
x_msmail_priority | character varying(128) |
x_mimeole | character varying(128) |
mime_version | character varying(512) |
received_from | character varying(512) |
content_type | character varying(512) |
errors_to | character varying(512) |
user_agent | character varying(512) |
mail_date | character varying(512) |
x_mailer | character varying(512) |
return_path | character varying(512) |
message_id | character varying(512) |
reply_to | character varying(512) |
subject | character varying(1024) |
mail_to | character varying(1024) |
cc | character varying(2048) |
"emails_pkey" primary key, btree (email_id)
"emails_maildir_file_key" unique, btree (maildir_file)
Foreign-key constraints:
"$2" FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(product_id) ON UPDATE
"$3" FOREIGN KEY (mydom_id) REFERENCES my_domains(mydom_id) ON UPDATE
"$4" FOREIGN KEY (spamv_id) REFERENCES spamvertisers(spamv_id) ON UPDATE
"$5" FOREIGN KEY (spammer_id) REFERENCES spammers(spammer_id) ON UPDATE

I am absolutely aware of the fact that the new schema can still use
some work. :) But, it's a step in the right direction as I muddle my
way through this. Not to mention, I really did need those foreign keys.

The problem is this:

Original schema:

prod01=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM emails;
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------
Aggregate (cost=6345.61..6345.61 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=1066.727..1066.728 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on emails (cost=0.00..6121.49 rows=89649 width=0) (actual
time=18.214..980.040 rows=89649 loops=1)
Total runtime: 1066.931 ms
(3 rows)

New schema:

prod01=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM emails;
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
Aggregate (cost=22.50..22.50 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=40818.750..40818.752 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Seq Scan on emails (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=0) (actual
time=38801.127..40458.369 rows=89649 loops=1)
Total runtime: 40819.115 ms

Is it the addition of the multiple foreign keys that is slowing this
down so much? I have several calculations I need to do with the count,
so this is a big thing for me.

Suggestions appreciated, both on the immediate problem or regarding
the new schema. Even "you're an idiot" is fine, if it accompanies a
bit of advice. :)



"Even if a man chops off your hand with a sword, you still have two nice,
sharp bones to stick in his eyes."
-- .sig on Slashdot

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Re: Impact of foreign keys on a simple count(*) ?

am 09.10.2004 05:49:23 von tgl

"C. Bensend" writes:
> Is it the addition of the multiple foreign keys that is slowing this
> down so much?

Foreign keys have zero, nada, zilch to do with the performance of
count(*). The only plausible theory I can think of for the performance
difference is that in your "new" database the table has been through
several mass updates, leading to a whole lot of dead rows and a much
larger physical table size to scan through. I'd suggest a VACUUM
VERBOSE on both old and new copies of the table to get an idea of the
relative physical sizes. You might need a VACUUM FULL to get the new
table back down to a reasonable size...

regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: Impact of foreign keys on a simple count(*) ?

am 09.10.2004 06:13:02 von Benny

> Foreign keys have zero, nada, zilch to do with the performance of
> count(*).

OK, I just wanted to make sure.

> The only plausible theory I can think of for the performance
> difference is that in your "new" database the table has been through
> several mass updates, leading to a whole lot of dead rows and a much
> larger physical table size to scan through. I'd suggest a VACUUM
> VERBOSE on both old and new copies of the table to get an idea of the
> relative physical sizes. You might need a VACUUM FULL to get the new
> table back down to a reasonable size...

Oh good lord.

*waves the Idiot Flag as he slinks back under his rock*

Thank you, Tom, for your patience. That was it. I'm a potatohead,
but I'm learning. :)

Benny, swearing he DID do a vacuum, but obviously not...

"Even if a man chops off your hand with a sword, you still have two nice,
sharp bones to stick in his eyes."
-- .sig on Slashdot

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