Information about the command SQL " create synonym".

Information about the command SQL " create synonym".

am 12.10.2004 15:04:14 von Gerald.Laurent

Hello !

I am trying to find some informations about the SQL command "create

The command "create synonym" does not exit in the Postgres database.

I had tested with the latest version (postgres8.0 beta3) and this command
is not present.

I supposed that this command "create synnonym" is an extention of the SQL92
on the other database like Oracle, Informix etc..

Could you say if this command will be implemanted in a future version of a
postgres database ?

Best regards.

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Information about the command SQL " create synonym".

am 12.10.2004 19:37:47 von peter_e wrote:
> Could you say if this command will be implemanted in a future version
> of a postgres database ?

I'm not currently aware of any concrete proposals to implement this
feature, but previous discussion has not shown any strong resistance
against the concept.

Peter Eisentraut

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