Installation woes
am 18.10.2004 15:56:59 von RichardThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Fundamentally if the user wants to run my software then I want to get it
running on their hardware. If after they have tried it ( and hopefully
liked it) they want to use it as a business tool then I am in a position
to HIGHLY recommend the necessary upgrades to hardware/OS etc that they
may need.
Firstly there are no complaints about postgres or the installer both
work very well.
q1: I would like an almost silent install and to that effect have
located the following on the installer project site:
msiexec /i postgresql-8.0-beta2-dev3.msi datadir="C:\ghum\data"
SERVICEID="pgsql-80-beta-2" SERVICENAME="PostgreSQL Database Server 8.0
beta 2" SERVICEACCOUNT="postgres" SERVICEPASSWORD="PasswordUserPostgres"
SERVICEPASSWORDV="PasswordUserPostgres" LOCALE="german"
I would like the installer to show a "You are installing PostgreSQL V 8
" banner with a pointer to the website but still bypass
the normal installation questions..
q2: Is the above command in a format that is going to be supported in
later versions?
q3: Fat32 limitation. I have no evidence of the number of machines
using FAT32 with W2000 / XP but I expect it will be significant. What I
think I will have to do is put up a web page explaining the issues
unless such a page already exists with the postgres documentation?
q4: another option may be the cywin + postgres project. Does this let
users access older operating systems W98 / Millenium edition? If so then
is there a package my installer program can run? ie check OS/environment
if ok run pg v8 else give warning / option and install cygwin+postgres.
I don't mind if the install for W98 /fat32 is an older version of
postgres. Indeed an older version would be helpful in emhasising the
need to upgrade.
I suppose posgresql is not "normally" a enduser software product. It has
been designed as an industrial strength RDBMS for installation by
professionals. In that environment it excells. I will lookforward to
hearing how others are tackling the "embedded install".
best regards
Richard Sydney-Smith
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 1/10/2004
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t to=20
get it running on their hardware. If after they have tried it ( and hopeful=
liked it) they want to use it as a business tool then I am in a position to=
HIGHLY recommend the necessary upgrades to hardware/OS etc that they may=20
here are no=20
complaints about postgres or the installer both work very=20
ld like an=20
almost silent install and to that effect have located the following on the=
installer project site:
datadir=3D"C:\ghum\data" LISTENPORT=3D5432 INITDBOK=3D1 DOSERVICE=3D1 DOINI=
SERVICEID=3D"pgsql-80-beta-2" SERVICENAME=3D"PostgreSQL Database Server 8.0=
beta 2"=20
SERVICEACCOUNT=3D"postgres" SERVICEPASSWORD=3D"PasswordUserPostgres"=20
ike the=20
installer to show a "You are installing PostgreSQL V 8 " banner with a poin=
to the website but still bypass the normal installation=20
face=3DArial size=3D2> =3DArial=20
size=3D2> size=3D2>
Is the above command in a for=
that is going to be supported in later=20
evidence of the number of machines using FAT32 with W2000 / XP but I=
expect it will be significant. What I think I will have to do is put up a w=
page explaining the issues unless such a page already exists with the postg=
er option=20
may be the cywin + postgres project. Does this let users access older opera=
systems W98 / Millenium edition? If so then is there a package my installer=
program can run? ie check OS/environment if ok run pg v8 else give warning =
option and install cygwin+postgres. I don't mind if the install for W98=20
/fat32 is an older version of postgres. Indeed an older version would=
helpful in emhasising the need to upgrade.
is not "normally" a enduser software product. It has been designed as an=20
industrial strength RDBMS for installation by professionals. In that enviro=
it excells. I will lookforward to hearing how others are tackling the "embe=
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 1/10/2004
Re: Installation woes
am 18.10.2004 17:12:58 von mhaa1: Not 100% sure waht you are looing for. Try adding "/qb" and see if
that is what you meant :-)
a2: That exact commandline may not be supported. But we intend to
support commandline-driven silent installs, yes.
a3: See the installer FAQ on
a4: Yes, cygwin works on 9x platforms. And there is (will be, perhaps, I
think there are currently a few issues with it) a version 8.0 for cygwin
as well.
Fundamentally if the user wants to run my software then
I want to get it running on their hardware. If after they have tried it
( and hopefully liked it) they want to use it as a business tool then I
am in a position to HIGHLY recommend the necessary upgrades to
hardware/OS etc that they may need.
Firstly there are no complaints about postgres or the
installer both work very well.
q1: I would like an almost silent install and to that effect
have located the following on the installer project site:
msiexec /i postgresql-8.0-beta2-dev3.msi datadir=3D"C:\ghum\data"
SERVICEID=3D"pgsql-80-beta-2" SERVICENAME=3D"PostgreSQL Database Server 8.0
beta 2" SERVICEACCOUNT=3D"postgres" SERVICEPASSWORD=3D"PasswordUserPostgres"
SERVICEPASSWORDV=3D"PasswordUserPostgres" LOCALE=3D"german"
I would like the installer to show a "You are installing
PostgreSQL V 8 " banner with a pointer to the website but
still bypass the normal installation questions..
q2: Is the above command in a format that is going to be
supported in later versions?
q3: Fat32 limitation. I have no evidence of the number of
machines using FAT32 with W2000 / XP but I expect it will be
significant. What I think I will have to do is put up a web page
explaining the issues unless such a page already exists with the
postgres documentation?
q4: another option may be the cywin + postgres project. Does
this let users access older operating systems W98 / Millenium edition?
If so then is there a package my installer program can run? ie check
OS/environment if ok run pg v8 else give warning / option and install
cygwin+postgres. I don't mind if the install for W98 /fat32 is an older
version of postgres. Indeed an older version would be helpful in
emhasising the need to upgrade.
I suppose posgresql is not "normally" a enduser software
product. It has been designed as an industrial strength RDBMS for
installation by professionals. In that environment it excells. I will
lookforward to hearing how others are tackling the "embedded install".
best regards
Richard Sydney-Smith
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