bibliographic schema
am 18.10.2004 17:18:29 von gu1om
we're looking for a SQL database schema for bibliographical references.
the goal is to extract all the bibliographical references contained in
our various existing pgsql scientific databases in only one specific
database and to interconnect them with external keys and perl scripts.
database schema of existing free projects (refdb, refbase, etc.) are not
any link or suggestion will be welcome.
(I hope this is the good list)
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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Re: bibliographic schema
am 18.10.2004 22:10:34 von Josh
> we're looking for a SQL database schema for bibliographical references.
> the goal is to extract all the bibliographical references contained in
> our various existing pgsql scientific databases in only one specific
> database and to interconnect them with external keys and perl scripts.
I'm afraid that bibliographic references is a rather esoteric need in the OSS
community. I personally haven't seen such a thing. You may have to create
your own.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco
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TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to
Re: bibliographic schema
am 19.10.2004 09:17:23 von Karsten.Hilbert
> > we're looking for a SQL database schema for bibliographical references.
> > the goal is to extract all the bibliographical references contained in
> > our various existing pgsql scientific databases in only one specific
> > database and to interconnect them with external keys and perl scripts.
Your best bet might be to take a look at OSS library
management solutions and see whether that fits your
needs or is suitable as a starting point.
GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346
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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Re: bibliographic schema
am 19.10.2004 13:56:05 von gu1om
Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>>>we're looking for a SQL database schema for bibliographical references.
>>>the goal is to extract all the bibliographical references contained in
>>>our various existing pgsql scientific databases in only one specific
>>>database and to interconnect them with external keys and perl scripts.
> Your best bet might be to take a look at OSS library
> management solutions and see whether that fits your
> needs or is suitable as a starting point.
I'm not interested in manage a library. That kind of projects schema are
mostly complex and lending and storing oriented. I just want to store
scientific references in a satisfactory way. I'm surprised that all the
scientific databases schema are simplistic for references, and that
no-one has published or produced such a database schema, probably useful
and reusable.
so, I may have to create it, as said Josh, and publish it :-)
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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Re: bibliographic schema
am 25.10.2004 12:36:38 von cloos
Try googling for:
bibtex sql
That should provide some pointers that may help produce an effective
sql schema for storing bibliographic references.
James H. Cloos, Jr.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?