Re: the problem of createlang!
am 20.10.2004 16:57:34 von laserFang Genjie wrote:
> I have installed postgresql (version 7.4.5) on the Redhat linux platform.
> Now I want to create a database with name BBMF and create pl/pgsql
> procedure language to the BBMF
> The problem is listed follow:
> [postgres@wap1-np postgresql-7.4.5]$ psql -l
> List of databases
> Database | Owner | Encoding
> -----------+----------+-----------
> BBMF | develop | SQL_ASCII
> template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
> (3 rows)
> [postgres@wap1-np postgresql-7.4.5]$ createlang plpgsql BBMF
> ERROR: Load of file /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ failed:
> /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ undefined symbol: error_context_stack
> createlang: language installation failed
> [postgres@wap1-np postgresql-7.4.5]$ file /usr/local/pgsql/lib/
> /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel
> 80386, version 1, not stripped
> [postgres@wap1-np postgresql-7.4.5]$
Most probably is you got two version of postgresql in you system,
one from RH, one install by yourself. check the path of your installation
and the system one (usually /usr/bin, /usr/lib etc for RH).
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