How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 26.10.2004 22:23:20 von wweng
In the following query
SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at
the bottom of the query result.
Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run the
same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result
regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at the
very beginning of the query result.
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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Re: How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 26.10.2004 22:48:48 von sszabo
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Wei Weng wrote:
> In the following query
> SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
> If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at
> the bottom of the query result.
> Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run the
> same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result
> regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at the
> very beginning of the query result.
The spec basically says (IIRC) that implementations must either treat all
nulls as greater than all non-nulls for ordering or less than all
non-nulls for ordering, but that different implementations may choose
different choices. I think the most recent version (at least) provides an
option to specify which way to handle nulls, but we don't support that as
far as I know.
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Re: How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 26.10.2004 23:01:29 von alet
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 01:48:48PM -0700, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Wei Weng wrote:
> > In the following query
> >
> > SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
> >
> > If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at
> > the bottom of the query result.
> >
> > Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run the
> > same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result
> > regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at the
> > very beginning of the query result.
you could try to use COALESCE to treat NULLs as either a minimal or
maximal value so that your ordering is correct :
SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY COALESCE(Parent, -1) ASC;
to treat NULLs as -1 for example
Jerome Alet
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
Re: How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 27.10.2004 17:36:43 von Bruno
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 16:23:20 -0400,
Wei Weng wrote:
> In the following query
> SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
> If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at
> the bottom of the query result.
> Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run
> the same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result
> regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at
> the very beginning of the query result.
If the order matters, you can order by IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match
Re: How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 29.10.2004 17:59:15 von wweng
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 16:23:20 -0400,
> Wei Weng wrote:
>>In the following query
>>SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent ASC;
>>If I have a couple of (NULL)s in the field [Parent], they will be listed at
>>the bottom of the query result.
>>Is it because PostgreSQL considers (NULL) as the biggest value? If I run
>>the same query under MSSQL Server 2000, I get the exact opposite result
>>regarding the order of (NULL)s and (non-NULL) values. They are listed at
>>the very beginning of the query result.
> If the order matters, you can order by IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
> joining column's datatypes do not match
How do I write that?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
Re: How do you compare (NULL) and (non-NULL)?
am 29.10.2004 19:57:54 von Bruno
On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 11:59:15 -0400,
Wei Weng wrote:
> How do I write that?
SELECT Parent FROM Channels ORDER BY Parent IS NULL, Parent ASC;
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster