RULE and default nextval() column
am 27.10.2004 15:19:35 von odpHello.
I'mtrying to implement history tables using rules.
I have
create sequence history_seq start 1;
create sequence test_sequence;
# source table
drop table test_table;
create table test_table (
i integer default nextval('test_sequence'),
c character(10)
# history table
create table test_table_history (
hist integer default nextval('history_seq'),
i integer,
c character(10)
# rule to save history
create rule test_table_history_insert as on insert to test_table do
insert into test_table_history values ( nextval('history_seq'),
Then I try to insert into test_table;
test=> insert into test_table values( nextval('test_sequence'), 'a');
INSERT 3299176 1
test=> insert into test_table (c) values('a');
INSERT 3299178 1
drweb=> select * from test_table;
i | c
1 | a
3 | a
(2 rows)
test=> select * from test_table_history;
hist | i | c
1 | 2 | a
2 | 4 | a
(2 rows)
Problem is : value of "i" field increments during insertion into both
test_table and test_table history.
This also happens if I omit "i" in insert statement and let it be filled
by default.
Can something be done to avoid it?
Sincerely, Dmitry Ovechkin.
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