Select Instead on a table
am 28.10.2004 12:03:20 von schabiosHello,
[I hope this is no FAQ, but I did neither find anything about it in the
PostgreSQL FAQ, nor get any hit on RULE or INSTEAD on the mailing list
archive search=B9...]
Is it possible to create a ON SELECT DO INSTEAD rule on a table?
All of my tries to do so failed by either complaining that the table is
not empty, or converting the empty table into a view, thus making
insert/update/delete impossible.
What we need is basically a table "outer" where one column is computed
via a subselect over another table "inner", something like
SELECT id, some, more, rows,
( SELECT aggregate(inner.innerrow) AS collect=20
FROM outer;
(In reality, the inner query is a little more complicated because of
some weird ordering and limit stuff, but this is the basic idea)
Of yourse, we could (and currently do) do this via a View, but this has
two disadvantages:
- We have an extra relation floating around (outer and outer_view)
- We need to create and maintain INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE rules for outer.
We cannot change the application code that issues the queries, this is
the reason for dealing with rules and views in this case.
Markus Schaber
=B9 The latter was rather surprising to me, may be a defect in the mailing=
list archive search?
markus schaber | dipl. informatiker
logi-track ag | rennweg 14-16 | ch 8001 zürich
phone +41-43-888 62 52 | fax +41-43-888 62 53 |
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