I am lost, multiple tables to one recordset.

I am lost, multiple tables to one recordset.

am 28.10.2004 18:27:34 von anniesraar


I am completely lost. I have a stored procedure that creates a temp
table and inserts and eventid. Afterwards other fields are gathered
via an innerjoin. The problem is that I have a created another table
with only the changes to these events.

tblEvent is eventid / eventname / eventdate / userid / eventtime
tblEventHistory is versionid / eventId / eventdate / eventtime /
tblUser is userid / username

tblEvent has one record and tblEventHistory could have multiple
records but with only the changes at a certain time.

Problem is that I don't know how to create a recordset that provides
all the records via an inner join and also get the records from

Furthermore I have to use the records on an asp page and mark the
changes between records. Is there an easy way to do this. Any pointers
would be greatly appreciated.

I am using the resource on
http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/020701-1.2.shtml as a basis.

Apologies for my explanation but hopefully someone will be able to
help me out.


Re: I am lost, multiple tables to one recordset.

am 28.10.2004 18:59:24 von mkamath

You might want to use a shaped recordset instead of a huge JOIN.


Manohar Kamath
Editor, .netWire

"Pascal" wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am completely lost. I have a stored procedure that creates a temp
> table and inserts and eventid. Afterwards other fields are gathered
> via an innerjoin. The problem is that I have a created another table
> with only the changes to these events.
> So
> tblEvent is eventid / eventname / eventdate / userid / eventtime
> tblEventHistory is versionid / eventId / eventdate / eventtime /
> changeDate
> tblUser is userid / username
> tblEvent has one record and tblEventHistory could have multiple
> records but with only the changes at a certain time.
> Problem is that I don't know how to create a recordset that provides
> all the records via an inner join and also get the records from
> tblEventHistory.
> Furthermore I have to use the records on an asp page and mark the
> changes between records. Is there an easy way to do this. Any pointers
> would be greatly appreciated.
> I am using the resource on
> http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/020701-1.2.shtml as a basis.
> Apologies for my explanation but hopefully someone will be able to
> help me out.
> Cheers.
> Pascal

Re: I am lost, multiple tables to one recordset.

am 29.10.2004 17:49:17 von anniesraar


Thanks for the answer. I have given it a try and after some work it
seems to work just fine. The Shape command is pretty cool.

Thanks again.


"Manohar Kamath" wrote in message news:...
> You might want to use a shaped recordset instead of a huge JOIN.
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/189657/EN-US/
> --
> Manohar Kamath
> Editor, .netWire
> www.dotnetwire.com