Re: Foreign Key Non-Null Problem in 8.0

Re: Foreign Key Non-Null Problem in 8.0

am 31.10.2004 07:22:00 von sszabo

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Jon Uhal wrote:

> I'm having trouble trying to get my databases setup so that when I
> delete a row from the base table, all related information is removed as
> well. I've been testing this with PostgreSQL version (postmaster
> (PostgreSQL) 8.0.0beta1) on a Windows 2000 Pro machine. I have been
> unsuccessful in trying to get the MATCH SIMPLE clause of CREATE TABLE to
> work and I was thinking it was because of how I had defined my tables.
> Every time I try to create a foreign key or reference into another
> table, postgres seems to make the column NOT NULL. I have been unable
> to get it to allow nulls in the foriegn key column.

Actually, I think the problem is that you're defining the foreign columns
as serial (which appears to imply not null). You probably want them to be

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