translating web pages

translating web pages

am 21.11.2004 23:31:31 von Mike

I have a question, when I'm on my many searchs for answers I come
across pages in different languages (my native is english).
I use Google and it translates some, not always that well though.

Is there a linux program I can use to translate pages or is there a
better aproach?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: translating web pages

am 22.11.2004 00:00:15 von James Miller

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004, mike wrote:

> I have a question, when I'm on my many searchs for answers I come
> across pages in different languages (my native is english).
> I use Google and it translates some, not always that well though.
> Is there a linux program I can use to translate pages or is there a
> better aproach?
> Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Mike:

I do a bit of computer translation as well, mostly using my machine as an
electronic dictionary when I must read materials in French or German or
look into the subtelties of some ancient Greek or Hebrew passage. I don't
know of anything that runs natively on Linux that does the sort of thing I
need: I had to buy vmware and install Windows under Linux to get that
functionality (I sorely hope I made a big mistake and overlooked some
Linux program[s], but I doubt it). I do occasionally want to translate a
longer passage to figure out some wierd or unfamiliar syntax or idiom, and
the program I use for that is called Systran. It does ok, but must always
be double-checked by someone who at least knows the grammatical
conventions of the language being translated and can use a dictionary.
That's a Windows program though. I tried getting it to install and work
under WINE/Codeweavers, but had no success. If I were more of a hacker I
might be able to figure out why and get it running. But I'm just a lowly
humanties scholar :). In summary, I don't think you'll find anything at
all that runs under Linux that will do machine translation. If you find
such a thing, I'd love to know about it. The only thing you'll probably
find will be languageA -> languageB dictionaries. Using the online
translators like Google has (Altavista has one too--not sure how/if it
differs) is about the best bet. You might also, as a slightly different
approach to that same method, look into Firefox's extensions: if there's
not already a page translating extension, I'd be surprised if someone
doesn't create one soon.

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Re: translating web pages

am 22.11.2004 00:11:10 von Ray Olszewski

At 05:00 PM 11/21/2004 -0600, James Miller wrote:
>On Sun, 21 Nov 2004, mike wrote:
> > I have a question, when I'm on my many searchs for answers I come
> > across pages in different languages (my native is english).
> > I use Google and it translates some, not always that well though.
> >
> > Is there a linux program I can use to translate pages or is there a
> > better aproach?
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
>Hello Mike:
>I do a bit of computer translation as well, mostly using my machine as an
>electronic dictionary when I must read materials in French or German or
>look into the subtelties of some ancient Greek or Hebrew passage. I don't
>know of anything that runs natively on Linux that does the sort of thing I
>need: I had to buy vmware and install Windows under Linux to get that
>functionality (I sorely hope I made a big mistake and overlooked some
>Linux program[s], but I doubt it). I do occasionally want to translate a
>longer passage to figure out some wierd or unfamiliar syntax or idiom, and
>the program I use for that is called Systran. It does ok, but must always
>be double-checked by someone who at least knows the grammatical
>conventions of the language being translated and can use a dictionary.
>That's a Windows program though. I tried getting it to install and work
>under WINE/Codeweavers, but had no success. If I were more of a hacker I
>might be able to figure out why and get it running. But I'm just a lowly
>humanties scholar :). In summary, I don't think you'll find anything at
>all that runs under Linux that will do machine translation. If you find
>such a thing, I'd love to know about it. The only thing you'll probably
>find will be languageA -> languageB dictionaries. Using the online
>translators like Google has (Altavista has one too--not sure how/if it
>differs) is about the best bet. You might also, as a slightly different
>approach to that same method, look into Firefox's extensions: if there's
>not already a page translating extension, I'd be surprised if someone
>doesn't create one soon.

Relative to your comments, James, I fear I can only echo your lack of
success. I recently was investigating, specifically, English-Spanish
translation. While I did find a couple of Linux apps that function at the
dictionary level ... translating words and short phrases, but with no
sensitivity to context ... I found nothing in the way of babelfish-like
translation for Linux.

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Re: translating web pages

am 22.11.2004 11:01:47 von Robin Doer

Ray Olszewski ( schrieb:
> Relative to your comments, James, I fear I can only echo your lack of
> success. I recently was investigating, specifically, English-Spanish
> translation. While I did find a couple of Linux apps that function at the
> dictionary level ... translating words and short phrases, but with no
> sensitivity to context ...

For a pure dictionary (supports translations from/to English/German/French) I
suggest using It also offers toolbars for Mozilla/Firefox, an a

> I found nothing in the way of babelfish-like
> translation for Linux.

Around babelfish I've a nice story. Some time ago a local radiostation (I come
from Germany) carried out a quiz: They took the lyrics from a german song,
translated it into English and finally back to German using This is quite funny! Give it a try!


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