Need a network traffic monitor
am 28.11.2004 02:27:16 von Jim Reimer
How can I set up to monitor what's coming and going on my gateway?
Network is all hubs, no switches, and all I need to do is count
bytes going to and coming from - don't care where it
came from or where it's going, I just need to count it.
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Re: Need a network traffic monitor
am 28.11.2004 04:00:58 von Ray Olszewski
At 07:27 PM 11/27/2004 -0600, Jim Reimer wrote:
>How can I set up to monitor what's coming and going on my gateway?
>Network is all hubs, no switches, and all I need to do is count
>bytes going to and coming from - don't care where it
>came from or where it's going, I just need to count it.
Is the gateway? Is it a Linux box? If both answers are yes,
then just write a script that gets the bytes count for the various
interfaces from "ifconfig -a" (or an equivalent) and subtracts the new
value from the last value saved. Then run it on some regular basis through
If it is not a Linux box ... that's trickier, mainly because it is hard for
a host to monitor a network it is not physically connected to, and you (in
normal setups) have no other host that is conencted to both interfaces of
the gateway. So in this case you'll need to describe the setup a bit more
and be more exact about what data you are looking for.
Since it is all hubs, you can use any standard sniffer -- tcpdump and
ethereal are the two I use here ... there are a couple of others whose
names I forget --- to accumulate packet information on the LAN side. But I
don't really know what to suggest for the external side.
There is an enormous number of specialized apps that offer pretty displays
of one sort or another. Examples are nload, mrtg, iftop, the ttt* program
set, ntop, and darkstat. It's hard to say what might best fill your exact
needs, so check the package list of whichever distro you use (these
examples all comes from the Debian-Sid package list, searching under
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Re: Need a network traffic monitor
am 28.11.2004 15:04:52 von Simon
hello Jim
Jim Reimer wrote:
> How can I set up to monitor what's coming and going on my gateway?
> Network is all hubs, no switches, and all I need to do is count
> bytes going to and coming from - don't care where it
> came from or where it's going, I just need to count it.
there is lot of ways to do that...
the most simplest (for me) is writing a basic sniffer... or use an
existing... like tcpdump... to look the ip adresses (sender an receiver)
and depending the result... incremant a value...
if you want some skeleton code examples... send me a mail
an other way is by using the iptables... the netfilter...
you can insert a kernel module into the network stack and use an entry
point in the netfilter... ("Hacking the Linux Kernel Network Stack"
explain how to do that)...
may be there is some existing iptables user-space fonctionality to
perform that...
using the iptables-netfilter ask you for your application portability...
an other idea is writing a kernel module who intercept the socket ()
system call...
in hope you find something useful...
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