RE: ADO Error "800a01fb"

RE: ADO Error "800a01fb"

am 30.12.2002 08:11:15 von Michael She


The problem is that it is not reproducible easily.

The ODBC driver works fine for hours/days at a time, then the error kicks
in. Once the error shows up, MyODBC works for 3 - 4 ASP page loads, then
dies on the 5th.

A restarted of IIS or a reboot usually clear things up.

At 03:06 PM 12/29/2002 -0800, Venu wrote:
>Hi !!
> >
> > CREATE TABLE mytable (
> > pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> > data varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
> > image blob,
> > PRIMARY KEY (pkey)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;
> >
> > about the question : <<< What version of 3.23 that is
> > working for you ?
> > >>>My answer is : <<< mysql 3.23.54a + myODBC 3.51.5 >>>my
> > vb6 Script :
> >> How to repeat:
> > strSQL = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51
> > Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test;USER=root;PASSWORD=ro ot
> > ;OPTION=35;"
> > Set Cn1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Cn1.Open strSQL
> > strSQL1 = "select * from mytable where pkey = " & 1 Set rs2 =
> > CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs2.Open strSQL1, Cn1, 1, 3
> > If Not rs2.EOF Then rs2("data").Value = Now
> > rs2.Update
> > End If rs2.Close Cn1.Close Set
> > rs2 = Nothing
> > Set Cn1 = Nothing
> I just tried the same and a similar example with MySQL 3.23, 4.0.7 and
> 4.1, and with all of them, it works fine at my end. I used ADO 2.7;
> Here is my test snippet:
> Private Sub Err_800a01fb_Click()
>Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
>Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
>Dim fld As ADODB.Field
>Dim sql As String
>Dim id As Integer
>'Connect to MySQL Server
>Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
>conn.ConnectionString = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" _
> & "SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=test;USER=venu;" _
> & "PASSWORD=venu;OPTION=3;"
>'conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=myodbc3;"
>'create table
>conn.Execute "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_ado"
>conn.Execute "CREATE TABLE my_ado(pkey int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,"
> & "data varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " _
> & " image blob, primary key(pkey) )TYPE=MyISAM"
>'direct insert
>conn.Execute "INSERT INTO my_ado(data) values('venu'),('mysql')"
>Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
>'rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer
>rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
>'fetch back..
>rs.Open "select * from my_ado", conn, 1, 3
> 'Do
> Debug.Print String(15, "-") & "RESULT - BEFORE UPDATE " & String(15,
> For Each fld In rs.Fields
> Debug.Print fld.Name,
> Next
> Debug.Print
> Debug.Print String(35, "-")
> Do Until rs.EOF
> For Each fld In rs.Fields
> Debug.Print fld.Value,
> Next
> rs.MoveNext
> Debug.Print
> Loop
>'Loop Until rs.EOF = False
>Debug.Print "Total records: " & rs.RecordCount
>'rs insert
>id = 1
>rs.Open "select * from my_ado where pkey = " & id, conn, 1, 3
>rs!Data = "update-1"
>'rs update second time..
>id = 2
>rs.Open "SELECT * FROM my_ado where pkey = " & id, conn, 1, 3
>rs!Data = "update-2"
>'fetch back..
>rs.Open "SELECT * FROM my_ado"
> 'Do
> Debug.Print String(15, "-") & "RESULT - AFTER UPDATE" & String(15,
> For Each fld In rs.Fields
> Debug.Print fld.Name,
> Next
> Debug.Print
> Debug.Print String(35, "-")
> Do Until rs.EOF
> For Each fld In rs.Fields
> Debug.Print fld.Value,
> Next
> rs.MoveNext
> Debug.Print
> Loop
>'Loop Until rs.EOF = False
>Debug.Print "Total records: " & rs.RecordCount
>Set conn = Nothing
>Set rs = Nothing
>End Sub
>And here is the output..
>---------------RESULT - BEFORE UPDATE ---------------
>pkey data image
> 1 venu Null
> 2 mysql Null
>Total records: 2
>---------------RESULT - AFTER UPDATE---------------
>pkey data image
> 1 update-1 Null
> 2 update-2 Null
>Total records: 2
>Let me know if you have any questions.
>Regards, Venu
>For technical support contracts, go to
> __ ___ ___ ____ __
> / |/ /_ __/ __/ __ \/ / Mr. Venu
> / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__ MySQL AB, Developer
>/_/ /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/ Palo Alto, CA-94306
> <___/ USA
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Michael She :
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