[Fwd: Re: accessing email via POP3]
am 01.12.2004 09:05:09 von AminThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Sorry about that. I have to learn to hit the Reply All button for
linux-newbie. I'm forwarding my reply to the list.
Yawar Amin
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Message-ID: <41AD6CBF.8040808@siriusbb.com>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 13:03:27 +0600
From: Amin
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To: karthikv@Alum.Dartmouth.ORG
Subject: Re: accessing email via POP3
References: <33076594@newdoc.Dartmouth.ORG>
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Karthik Vishwanath Adv03 wrote:
> Hello,
> I receive mail on this account that can be accessed via
> POP3. I used to use fetchmail as my mail-fetcher on an old
> machine to do this. I am trying to do the same from another
> machine that runs Redhat 9 (Linux 2.4.20-8) and seems like I
> cannot decipher how exactly to do this (perusing the
> fetchmail man page had me really confused). My .fetchmailrc
> looks like this:
> ---------
> set syslog
> set daemon 10
> poll newdoc.dartmouth.org and options no dns keep
> user 'karthikv' there is 'karthik' here options
> ---------
> $ fetchmail
> fetchmail:/home/karthik/.fetchmailrc:6: parse error at user
> How can I fix this? (BTW, I had a whole load of dependency
> issues on trying to install fetchmailconf...)
> Thanks!
> -K
Another thing: instead of using a .fetchmailrc file, you could try
supplying all the options to the fetchmail command line itself, thus:
$ fetchmail --keep --protocol POP3 --username karthikv
Note: The above command should be all in one line, and there
should be a space between `karthikv' and `newdoc.dartmouth.org'.
Also, I'm not sure why you're using `no dns' -- to get a speed
boost? In that case you could skip the hostname and just use the
IP address,
Of course, first you have to make sure fetchmail doesn't see a
..fetchmailrc file in your home directory, so rename it to
fetchmailrc or something like that.
Yawar Amin
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