Newline character in TEXT field.

Newline character in TEXT field.

am 02.12.2004 22:33:01 von KPenner

I am trying to read in a text file and save it to a TEXT field in a MySQL database using perl 5.8. (DBI::MySQL). The file has CRLFs in it but when it is saved to the database is only has LFs.

I read in the file like this:

# Open input file of data
open( FILEIN, "$directory\\$fname" ) || die "can't open $fname $!";
undef $/;
$text = ;
close FILEIN;

My SQL statement is:

my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( "Insert into reports
(type, ext, date, text, name, clientspec)
Values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" );

and my execute statement is:

$sth3->execute( $type, $ext, $date, $text, $name, $clientspec, $name );

Is there some way to control what the newline character is when doing this?

ps. My co-worker is doing the same thing in PHP and is getting the full CRLF in the field.


Kevin M. Penner

"There are 10 types of people in the world,
those who know binary and those who don't."

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