about blobs??
am 27.06.2003 11:29:11 von utomo restuDear all,
any body can help my problem, i am very look forward to invite my problem.
first, i was create one tabel (the table name is "pic") and i was insert 4 image
on the table. look the table like this :
latihan=# SELECT * FROM pic ;
id | name | picoid | adddate
1 | gbr_001.png | 72591 | 2003-06-26 15:04:45.621274+07
2 | gbr_004.png | 72593 | 2003-06-26 15:11:24.881415+07
3 | browse.png | 72595 | 2003-06-26 15:29:04.423781+07
4 | bird.jpg | 72597 | 2003-06-27 13:24:33.160357+07
(4 rows)
i was create the php skrip for display the image on browser, the php skrip from
book "Advance Web Programming PHP-Postgresql" the author is Ewald, etc:
1. upload.php
2. input_file.php
3. detail.php
for upload file to database postgres no problem, but.....
when i display the image from browser i found error like this :
The image http://server.amq.org/~andhie/book/detail.php?id=4 cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
please help me, how i can do this.
best regards
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