lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 16.12.2004 10:40:44 von vrodriguez


Please, someone could help me with the following problem:

I have a system with the following specifications:
Intel 865G Chipset
SATA Maxtor 120GB
P4 2.8 Ghz

When I trying to install Mandrake 10.1 on it, it intalls it normally,
but when I boot I have only "L" letter instead Lilo Boot Menu, I tried
GRUB Bootloader, and get "G" letter instead GRUB Boot Menu

Also I have windows XP on this system to dual boot.
After I have installed Fedora Core 3, It works normally, but with
mandrake 10.1 official I have problems to boot.

Please anybody have experience with this thing?



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Re: lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 16.12.2004 23:08:08 von Simon Valiquette

Vladimir E. Rodriguez a =E9crit :
> Hello!
> Please, someone could help me with the following problem:
> I have a system with the following specifications:
> Intel 865G Chipset
> SATA Maxtor 120GB
> P4 2.8 Ghz
> When I trying to install Mandrake 10.1 on it, it intalls it normally,
> but when I boot I have only "L" letter instead Lilo Boot Menu, I trie=
> GRUB Bootloader, and get "G" letter instead GRUB Boot Menu

I would have expected to see a number just after the "L", likes L 01=
01 01 01 01

Maybe lilo installed itself at the starting of the partition instead=
of at the starting of the disk, and you see the Lilo from the old Redha=
installation, or something related. In such case you have to ajust the=
lilo file (/etc/lilo.conf) to be sure it install itself directly in the=
boot sector and check the files at the good place, and then type=20
/usr/sbin/lilo -v

Without seeing your lilo file, it is difficult to help more. Perhap=
you can find your problem by reading this document:

Simon Valiquette

> Also I have windows XP on this system to dual boot.
> After I have installed Fedora Core 3, It works normally, but with
> mandrake 10.1 official I have problems to boot.
> Please anybody have experience with this thing?
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Re: lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 17.12.2004 07:35:53 von Richard Adams

On Thursday 16 December 2004 10:40, Vladimir E. Rodriguez wrote:
> Hello!
> Please, someone could help me with the following problem:
> I have a system with the following specifications:
> Intel 865G Chipset
> SATA Maxtor 120GB
> P4 2.8 Ghz
> When I trying to install Mandrake 10.1 on it, it intalls it normally,
> but when I boot I have only "L" letter instead Lilo Boot Menu, I tried
> GRUB Bootloader, and get "G" letter instead GRUB Boot Menu

Normally when only an "L" is shown at boot time you would also get some error
codes, The lilo README normally found in /usr/share/lilo-xx-xx/ directory
explanes what the error codes mean.

I found one answer to a simalar problem via html

Its an old mail but i think well worth a try.

Use your install medium to boot and mount the disk partition manually,

> Also I have windows XP on this system to dual boot.
> After I have installed Fedora Core 3, It works normally, but with
> mandrake 10.1 official I have problems to boot.
> Please anybody have experience with this thing?
> Thanks
> Vladimir

If the Linux community is a bunch of thieves because they
try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community
is built on organized crime.

Regards Richard

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Re: lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 17.12.2004 17:31:12 von Arthur Nascimento

I had that problem too a long time ago - it would show only a L but no
error code. (I didn't try with GRUB.) I have no idea whatsoever of
what machine it was, but I do know it had winxp on a dual boot too. I
was a mere mortal back then (win user) and believed that on a crash
the best thing was to reinstall everything all over again (as all win
users believe), so I don't know how to fix it since I used to just
blindly overwrite it. I tryed other distributions at the time (as well
as different versions of the same one) and this failure occured only
on some of them (don't remember which of them).
You could try updating your boot loader and bios to newer versions,
but i doubt it will make a difference.
I would imagine that this error happens when we install win on a
partition and it's loader on MBR and after try to put LILO/GRUB over
win's loader on MBR. Win must have some sort of self-healing mechanism
to repair the MBR when it is damaged (or in this case, fully altered).
That would explain why no error code is being shown - our boot loader
has been partially overwritten by win's loader, and I doubt a damaged
LILO/GRUB can do anything at all (such as shout an error).
You should try to reinstall win on a partition and tell it to put it's
loader on the begining of the same partition instead of on the MBR.
After that you can reinstall LILO/GRUB on the MBR (or perhaps
reinstall your distro - your call) and you should be all set. I'm sure
I sound like a win user, telling you to reinstall everything, but if I
am right, this will be the last time you will have to do that.
Good luck!
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Re: lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 18.12.2004 19:56:04 von Hal MacArgle

On 12-16, Simon Valiquette wrote:
> Vladimir E. Rodriguez a ?crit :

> >Also I have windows XP on this system to dual boot.
> >After I have installed Fedora Core 3, It works normally, but with
> >mandrake 10.1 official I have problems to boot.
> >
> >Please anybody have experience with this thing?

FWIW, I can't really help; only comment.. I tried setting up
a dual boot machine with WinXP for a neighbour, that was already
setup with Win98, 8gB partition and Linux... Never got Win98
replaced with XP but XP managed to completly mess up the Linux
partition changing the device numbers.. It took several hours with
cfdisk to straighten out the partition table and then re install
Win98 for them... NEVER again... Hope you have better luck..

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.0 (2.4.20-1)
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Re: lilo boot problems with SATA and mandrake 10.1

am 19.12.2004 15:27:56 von Frank Roberts - SOTL

On Saturday 18 December 2004 01:56 pm, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> On 12-16, Simon Valiquette wrote:
> > Vladimir E. Rodriguez a ?crit :
> > >Also I have windows XP on this system to dual boot.
> > >After I have installed Fedora Core 3, It works normally, but with
> > >mandrake 10.1 official I have problems to boot.

That is normal with Mandrake 10.x. Infact the issue of half ass software is
normal from Mandrake. For some reason or another Mandrake ALWAYS leaves our a
few critical files. I have experienced this in 8.x, 9.x and 10.x. Different
files different times but always something left out or half ass put together.

If you are looking for a corporate type distribution meaning one with the
programs that are applicable to small business go to SuSE but you must
realize that if you do not configure things their way or want to do something
oddball you may have negative issues but if what you want is the best source
of included proprietary programs then this should be your choice.

If you can roil your own then there is Gentoo.

If you want somebody else to roil it but open source only then there id Debian
and Fedora.


> > >
> > >Please anybody have experience with this thing?
> FWIW, I can't really help; only comment.. I tried setting up
> a dual boot machine with WinXP for a neighbour, that was already
> setup with Win98, 8gB partition and Linux... Never got Win98
> replaced with XP but XP managed to completly mess up the Linux
> partition changing the device numbers.. It took several hours with
> cfdisk to straighten out the partition table and then re install
> Win98 for them... NEVER again... Hope you have better luck..

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