Special Characters in xterm
am 20.01.2005 03:40:40 von heisspfHi,
every now and then somebody asks how to produce special characters. May b=
e =
little is known that 75 of them can be produced in xterm on a US keyboard=
by =
pressing Alt or Alt/Shift plus the character.
For example:
etc, etc.
If I need any one I copy in xterm and paste into a text editor or word =
In order to know where they are I just went through all the characters ro=
w by =
row copied and pasted them into abiword made them bold and anlarged. Prin=
ted =
the sheet out pasted it on a card board, so they are handy when needed.
Unfortunately the big linux distros try to hide this excellent terminal x=
term. =
I guess in order to promote their own clumsier versions, just as Fedora w=
ill =
not even install anymore routinely mc, IMO the best file manager there is=
and =
I have tried quite a few. In KDE mc is installed, however, is not incorpo=
rated =
into the toolbar menu system. At least I can't find it there in slackware=
Just some thoughts.
-- =
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