4.1 vs. 4.0 Unions

4.1 vs. 4.0 Unions

am 20.01.2005 20:26:31 von James Frankman

I run the exact same query over identical data sets. One in MySQL 4.0 =
and the other in MySQL 4.1. The 4.0 title column would be blank where =
the 4.1 would contain the value. Again, this is over identical data. The =
second query in the union is the one that has data. The 1st and 3rd =
queries in the union return zero results. Anybody have any idea what is =
going on?


select A.Email, '' as title from phonepatable A where left(A.email, =
locate('@', A.email)-1) =3D 'xullmer'=20
select B.Email, B.AgentNo as title from Agentstable B where =
left(B.email, locate('@', B.email)-1) =3D 'xullmer'=20
select C.Email, C.Title as title from employeestable C where =
left(C.email, locate('@', C.email)-1) =3D 'xullmer'

4.1 Results:=20
| Email | title |
| xullmer@xyz.com | 837 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

4.0 Results:
| Email | title |
| xullmer@xyz.com | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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