Firefox & Thunderbird probs
am 29.01.2005 12:36:55 von Jeremy AbbottI formatted and reinstalled Gentoo about a month ago, because I broke it
when I ran etc-update to automatically update my configuration files.
Since I reinstalled, Firefox will not open Thunderbird for an email
link, and Thunderbird will not open Firefox for a weblink.
I'm also running Logjam to update my live journal, and it also will not
open Firefox to view my friends' journals. When I run Logjam from
aterm, I see the following error message when it tries to open a browser
to view those journals:
/bin/sh/: line 1: sensible-browser: command not found
I wrote a quick script called sensible-browser, and put it in /usr/bin
but all it did was open firefox to my homepage, rather than to my
friends live journal.
My kernel is 2.6.10-gentoo-r5 which was the latest gentoo-dev-sources I
could download last week.
I don't think it is relevent, but I run Fluxbox as my gui now.
Jeremy Abbott
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