RE: ADSL connection failed
am 21.02.2005 06:05:56 von frans toruan# fx > and
# fx > how is that application sending it? And what does "222.154.xx.xx"
# fx > refer to
This is one of the actual rebounce report ( I tried sending from several
machines/senders/places ), from the system administrator :
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Sent: 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Ray Olszewski on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
450 4.7.1
Cannot resolve PTR record for
Linux newbie list on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
450 4.7.1
denied. Cannot resolve PTR record for
( is off-LAN address )
# fx > ... what host has that IP address? And *where* does "it" say this ...
# fx > in an
# fx > alert box that pops up? In a mail-bounce message? Someplace else?
In a rebounce report. In other reports, it mentioned other IP address if I
sent to other name addresses.
# fx > With so little info, I can only guess really, but my best guess is
# fx > that you
# fx > are getting this message from your ISP's SMTP server in an app (a Web
# fx > browser, maybe ... I've never used Ximian Evolution and don't know
# fx > what it
# fx > is) that uses it directly to send e-mail. That SMTP server thinks you
# fx > are
# fx > sending the e-mail from 222.154.xx.xx and it objects to relaying SMTP
# fx > traffic from that IP address. The "Can't resolve PTR record" piece
# fx > means
# fx > that the SMTP server is unable to do a reverse lookup of the address
# fx > (find
# fx > the FQDN associated with it), which might be a DNS problem or might
# fx > just
# fx > mean that whoever is authoritative for that address hasn't created a
# fx > PTR
# fx > record for it. (Try the command "host 222.154.xx.xx", with the real
# fx > address
I think you are right, but, I can't prove. Pinging to, just
didn't resolve the name. All sent, no loss. OK, but, no real name . . .
# fx > of course, and see it it resolves ... I'd try it here for you if you
# fx > hadn't
# fx > elected to conceal the C and D quads in your report to the list.)
I didn't conceal, it's just that I forgot ( remember, I was sending the
e-mail from outside machine in other place ).
Frans t.
( this time, I'm sending via my windowz, with SMTP server authentification
checked in outlook )
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