RE: ADSL connection failed

RE: ADSL connection failed

am 21.02.2005 06:05:56 von frans toruan

# fx > and
# fx > how is that application sending it? And what does "222.154.xx.xx"
# fx > refer to
This is one of the actual rebounce report ( I tried sending from several
machines/senders/places ), from the system administrator :

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Sent: 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
Ray Olszewski on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
450 4.7.1 ... Relaying temporarily denied.
Cannot resolve PTR record for
Linux newbie list on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
450 4.7.1 ... Relaying temporarily
denied. Cannot resolve PTR record for

( is off-LAN address )

# fx > ... what host has that IP address? And *where* does "it" say this ...
# fx > in an
# fx > alert box that pops up? In a mail-bounce message? Someplace else?
In a rebounce report. In other reports, it mentioned other IP address if I
sent to other name addresses.

# fx > With so little info, I can only guess really, but my best guess is
# fx > that you
# fx > are getting this message from your ISP's SMTP server in an app (a Web
# fx > browser, maybe ... I've never used Ximian Evolution and don't know
# fx > what it
# fx > is) that uses it directly to send e-mail. That SMTP server thinks you
# fx > are
# fx > sending the e-mail from 222.154.xx.xx and it objects to relaying SMTP
# fx > traffic from that IP address. The "Can't resolve PTR record" piece
# fx > means
# fx > that the SMTP server is unable to do a reverse lookup of the address
# fx > (find
# fx > the FQDN associated with it), which might be a DNS problem or might
# fx > just
# fx > mean that whoever is authoritative for that address hasn't created a
# fx > PTR
# fx > record for it. (Try the command "host 222.154.xx.xx", with the real
# fx > address
I think you are right, but, I can't prove. Pinging to, just
didn't resolve the name. All sent, no loss. OK, but, no real name . . .

# fx > of course, and see it it resolves ... I'd try it here for you if you
# fx > hadn't
# fx > elected to conceal the C and D quads in your report to the list.)
I didn't conceal, it's just that I forgot ( remember, I was sending the
e-mail from outside machine in other place ).


Frans t.
( this time, I'm sending via my windowz, with SMTP server authentification
checked in outlook )

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RE: ADSL connection failed

am 21.02.2005 06:29:33 von Ray Olszewski

At 12:05 PM 2/21/2005 +0700, ogut wrote:
># fx > and
># fx > how is that application sending it? And what does "222.154.xx.xx"
># fx > refer to
>This is one of the actual rebounce report ( I tried sending from several
>machines/senders/places ), from the system administrator :
>Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
> Subject:
> Sent: 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
>The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
> Ray Olszewski on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
> 450 4.7.1 ... Relaying temporarily denied.
>Cannot resolve PTR record for
> Linux newbie list on 2/18/2005 12:30 PM
> 450 4.7.1 ... Relaying temporarily
>denied. Cannot resolve PTR record for
>( is off-LAN address )

Hmmm ... well, I can't resolve it either, and your problem is that
whatever host is issuing this bounce report (you left that part out) is
unwilling to relay (forward mail to another domain, that is) from whatever
IP address it sees your e-mail as coming from.

If is **your** off-LAN IP address ... that is, the address
your router NATs LAN hosts to ... then the problem is that you are using a
mail forwarder that will not relay for that address.

If it is not your NATing address, then I don't have enough information to
suggest anything concrete ... except to observe that you don't have a Linux
problem per se, but some sort of an authentication problem with whatever
SMTP server your e-mai client uses to send mail.

The problem may be with the true lack of the referenced PTR record ... an
error indicating a misconfiguration by whoever (probably some ISP) is
authoritative for that IP address.

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