Bash will not start in Terminals
Bash will not start in Terminals
am 10.03.2005 05:07:15 von heisspf
Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not start in terminals. Therefore no
PSI is set and commands I have in ~/.bashrc are not known unless I type bash
xterm after which PSI is set as well.
If I open xterm with: "xterm -e su -l" it opens with bash, w/o the -l flag
there is no bash.
How to resolve?
Thanks & regards
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 11.03.2005 03:55:46 von Ray Olszewski
At 12:07 PM 3/10/2005 +0800, Peter H. wrote:
>Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
>For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not start in terminals.
Do you really mean that the terminal sits open but does not accept any
input? Or do you, just possibly, mean that bash starts (you get a prompt
and can enter commands) but it does not read its config files the way you
expect it to?
>Therefore no
>PSI is set
PS1, perhaps?
>and commands I have in ~/.bashrc are not known unless I type bash
>xterm after which PSI is set as well.
If you can type "in xterm", then *some* shell is running. If you really
don't know what it is, start one up, then use a different one, or a console
or remote session, to check the process list to see what shell is running.
BTW, it should also work just to run .bashrc . You might see if it does.
>If I open xterm with: "xterm -e su -l"
How are you entering this? Do you mean in another, working xterm?
Are you already root when you do this? As a non-root user, my system will
not let me open an xterm with both logging and su ... probably to protect
the root password.
I think this works because the bash invoked by su is not a login shell. See
>it opens with bash, w/o the -l flag
>there is no bash.
>How to resolve?
Is this true for all users or a specific subset of users? In particular, is
root different from an ordinary user?
What you are seeing may be differences in behavior between login and
non-login instances of bash. A login instance expects to run /etc/profile,
../.bash_profile, ./.bash_login, and ./.profile ... but not ./.bash_rc
(though it is not unusual for one of these other files to cause .bashrc to
Overall, what you are describing sounds like a situation where bash is
starting but is not getting some fo the settings you want it to have. This
may mean a problem in /etc/profile or one of the user-specific bash-login
files I listed above.
Without a followup from you, it is hard to be more specific. But all of
this, perhaps supported by your reading the man pages for bash and xterm,
may be enough to get you to a solution.
Good luck.
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 15.03.2005 08:42:44 von heisspf
Peter said:
> Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
> >For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not
> start in terminals.
The reason was that I had made a new slackware installation in which then in
the /etc/passwd under my user name at the end of the line there was no
:/bin/bash as it used to be.
I found it out when I added an arbitrary user in which then again bash was not
started in the terminals. Again on his passwd line there was no :/bin/bash.
So it had nothing to do with me getting too old for Linux. It's a new
"gimmick" in slackware which one has to find out first.
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 15.03.2005 08:46:11 von heisspf
Peter said:
> Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
> >For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not
> start in terminals.
The reason was that I had made a new slackware installation in which then in
the /etc/passwd under my user name at the end of the line there was no
:/bin/bash as it used to be.
I found it out when I added an arbitrary user in which then again bash was not
started in the terminals. Again on his passwd line there was no :/bin/bash.
So it had nothing to do with me getting too old for Linux. It's a new
"gimmick" in slackware which one has to find out first.
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 15.03.2005 12:37:09 von chuck gelm net
Peter wrote:
> Hi,
> Peter said:
>>Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
>>>For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not
>>start in terminals.
> The reason was that I had made a new slackware installation in which then in
> the /etc/passwd under my user name at the end of the line there was no
> :/bin/bash as it used to be.
> I found it out when I added an arbitrary user in which then again bash was not
> started in the terminals. Again on his passwd line there was no :/bin/bash.
> So it had nothing to do with me getting too old for Linux. It's a new
> "gimmick" in slackware which one has to find out first.
> Regards
Hi, Peter:
I use Slackware 10.0 on my laptop and I have added 4 users.
Each has '/bin/bash' at the end of the entries of /etc/passwd.
I see the same in /etc/passwd on my Slackware 10.1 on another box.
I seem to have no such gimmick ???
Regards, Chuck
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 15.03.2005 17:33:23 von Richard Adams
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 08:46, Peter wrote:
> Hi,
> Peter said:
> > Slackware10 kernel 2.4.26
> >
> > >For me unknown reason suddenly bash will not
> >
> > start in terminals.
> The reason was that I had made a new slackware installation in which =
> in the /etc/passwd under my user name at the end of the line there wa=
s no
> :/bin/bash as it used to be.
> I found it out when I added an arbitrary user in which then again bas=
h was
> not started in the terminals. Again on his passwd line there was no
> :/bin/bash.
Peter use =B4adduser=B4 to create user accounts in slack, /bin/bash is =
the default=20
in that program.=20
> So it had nothing to do with me getting too old for Linux. It's a new
> "gimmick" in slackware which one has to find out first.
Gimmick no not at all question of using the correct program or script.
> Regards
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Re: Bash will not start in Terminals
am 16.03.2005 01:49:04 von heisspf said:
> Peter use =B4adduser=B4 to create user accounts in slack, /bin/bash i=
s the
> default in that program.
I'll be darn. I kept on using 'useradd'.
Thanks & regards
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