can"t install DBD::mysql

can"t install DBD::mysql

am 10.12.2002 18:42:29 von David Driscoll

I've been trying to install DBD::mysql on SUSE 8.1.
I run "perl Makefile.PL" then "make"
make gets to
"chmod: failed to get attributes of 'blib/arch/aaut/DBD/mysql/'"
and fails.
There is no anywhere on my system. I googled and found somethin=
on the MYSQL site that said the problem was perl couldn/t locate I do have this file and I tried all the suggestions M=
offered: add location of to path, add path to LD_RUN_P=
compile perl Makefile.PL -static -config. But install still fails.

I can find some copies of on the net but they all seem to be pa=
of packagesvfor older versions of RedHat and I don't want to load old o=

All the other mysql stuff seems to be ok.

Can anyone help? Has anyone installed the DBD::mysql driver on SUSE 8.1?

Dave Driscoll

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Re: can"t install DBD::mysql

am 10.12.2002 21:03:47 von Jochen Wiedmann

Quoting David Driscoll :

> I've been trying to install DBD::mysql on SUSE 8.1.

AFAIK SuSE comes with a precompiled version of DBD::mysql.
See eadme:

SuSE Linux 7.2 (you may prefer yast)

rpm -i mysql mysql-client mysql-devel mysql-shared
rpm -i perl-DBI
rpm -i perl-Msql-Mysql-modules

> I run "perl Makefile.PL" then "make"
> make gets to
> "chmod: failed to get attributes of
> 'blib/arch/aaut/DBD/mysql/'"
> and fails.

No clue what's wrong without a complete log of "perl Makefile.PL",
"make" and "make test".

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Re: can"t install DBD::mysql

am 10.12.2002 21:03:47 von Jochen Wiedmann

Quoting David Driscoll :

> I've been trying to install DBD::mysql on SUSE 8.1.

AFAIK SuSE comes with a precompiled version of DBD::mysql.
See eadme:

SuSE Linux 7.2 (you may prefer yast)

rpm -i mysql mysql-client mysql-devel mysql-shared
rpm -i perl-DBI
rpm -i perl-Msql-Mysql-modules

> I run "perl Makefile.PL" then "make"
> make gets to
> "chmod: failed to get attributes of
> 'blib/arch/aaut/DBD/mysql/'"
> and fails.

No clue what's wrong without a complete log of "perl Makefile.PL",
"make" and "make test".

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