Error Msg and I can"t understand what"s wrong

Error Msg and I can"t understand what"s wrong

am 19.03.2005 15:43:03 von Bruce Geroux

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I'm getting the following error message as a result of trying to do a
table update and I have no idea why.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-3.23.56-nt]SQLBindParameter not used
for all parameters

Below is the MySQL update I am trying to execute:

update lindatalley.articles set Header = 'Are You Hearing Everything
Your Customer, Isn''t Saying?',Body = '
Only 7% of what we say is verbal! The other 93% is nonverbal! How do you
think Dr. Phil got his start? Reading the nonverbal communication of
prospective jurors as a jury consultant. And that''s why he''s not
afraid to call someone on a lie on his program! He''s reading their body
language--their nonverbal communication! And Dr. Phil knows he''s right
because your body language says so much more than you ever will!

Verbal or written or even sign language talks to "content." You''re just
listening to the words and that''s it! Nothing else enters the picture.
This is probably one of the biggest issues with married people. The wife
might say, "You never listen to me." The husband says, "Of course I do!"
and continues reading the paper. The wife probably wants to see body
language from her husband that says, "I am here for you; you are very
important to me; I will always take the time to be here for you." If
he''s reading the paper, he''s not communicating this to her in a way
she can see and understand.

If you''re in sales or have any projects where you have to "sell"
someone on something, do you know what your body language is saying to
the other person? Try selling something to someone without saying a
word! You might say it''s impossible but it''s not. You probably do more
selling with nonverbal communication than you do with verbal. Remember
that song about "you say so much when you say nothing at all." Well,
that singer/writer was right!

',Footer = '© Linda Talley 2005',Topic = 'Communication',URL =
'' where Header = 'Are You
Hearing Everything Your Customer, Isn't Saying?'

Can you shed some light on this?

Bruce Geroux


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