Skype and more
am 30.03.2005 09:19:55 von heisspf
Slackware 10.1 kernel 2.4.29
Sometime ago I reported that skype would not open and at the same time after I
had reinstalled slackware 10, xine and totem did not open anymore. Richard
Adams then suggested to reinstall slackware w/o the old /usr/local and /home
mounted, instead mount them after the installation.
Well that worked only until I installed additional programs such as efax after
which neither skype nor the other 2 mentioned programs would not open again.
When slackware is installed it puts a number of library paths into
/etc/ This list is headed by /usr/local/lib. Now I found that this
positioning was the cause of the problems. If I put /usr/local/lib at the end
of the list all programs open properly and I can install further new programs
w/o any change, meaning all programs keep on opening properly. If I just
deactivate /usr/local/lib then naturally programs looking at that path will
not open such as siag.
I just thought I will let the list know in case others have similar
experiences, there was one in skype forum.
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Re: Skype and more
am 30.03.2005 17:54:50 von James Miller
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Peter wrote:
> Slackware 10.1 kernel 2.4.29
> I just thought I will let the list know in case others have similar
> experiences, there was one in skype forum.
Thank you for posting this resolution, Peter. As someone who has to do
alot of web searching to resolve Linux problems, I really appreciate it
when someone posts a detailed resolution to a problem they've asked about.
Too often it happens that some resolution is found, but no specifics are
given, or maybe the original poster just abandons the thread. People like
me are led down dead ends in such cases. If something is going to help
Linux to filter down more to the level of the common man, it's going to be
clueless users (sorry if it's an offense to group you in that category; I
really have myself in mind mostly when I say this) searching for, finding,
*then describing* resolutions to the problems they encounter. Advanced
users often presume a level of knowledge that makes their resolutions
useless for less technically adept users (like me). Clueless users often
fill in important details those more knowledgeable are likely to leave out
or pass over cursorily.
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Re: Skype and more
am 30.03.2005 20:19:57 von Richard Adams
On Wednesday 30 March 2005 09:19, Peter wrote:
> Hi,
> Slackware 10.1 kernel 2.4.29
> Sometime ago I reported that skype would not open and at the same tim=
> after I had reinstalled slackware 10, xine and totem did not open any=
> Richard Adams then suggested to reinstall slackware w/o the old /usr/=
> and /home mounted, instead mount them after the installation.
I suggested to you to install slack again without using you old /usr/lo=
and /home dir=B4s to prove a point, the point i pointed out to you in a=
of previous mails, i am sure they can be found in google groups, i ment=
two things, one is the order of /etc/ and installing programs=
yourself and possably unknowingly installing them in /usr/local/ .
> Well that worked only until I installed additional programs such as e=
> after which neither skype nor the other 2 mentioned programs would no=
t open
> again
> When slackware is installed it puts a number of library paths into
> /etc/ This list is headed by /usr/local/lib. Now I found t=
> this positioning was the cause of the problems. If I put /usr/local/l=
ib at
> the end of the list all programs open properly and I can install furt=
> new programs w/o any change, meaning all programs keep on opening pro=
> If I just deactivate /usr/local/lib then naturally programs looking a=
t that
> path will not open such as siag.
The order of /etc/ is of course important, slackware has it (=
belive) in that order because slackware does not have RPMs slackers ins=
tarballs now in a tarball full of source code there is 99% of the time =
program called configure supplied, one runs ./configure and all execute=
and libs get installed into /usr/local, remember one thing if we have x=
installed and slackware does have it installed in /usr/bin and libs=20
in /usr/lib we can expect problems for the simple reason we have 2 sets=
libs and 2 sets of exectuables for ONE program in our $PATH .
To get around that so called problem ./configure has lots (and i mean) =
lots of=20
options, like
--bindir=3DDIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
--libdir=3DDIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
There are around 60 different options.
If you had used something like
/configure --bindir=3Dusr/bin --libdir=3D/usr/lib
Then xine would have been installed into /usr/bin and would have overwr=
the version installed by slackware at install time, if you install anot=
verion into /usr/local* then you will confuse your system and most=20
importantly yourself.
Now haing said that the chances are that a lib whcih got installed by o=
ne of=20
the two programs into /usr/local/lib was incompatable with skype hence =
fails to open.
> I just thought I will let the list know in case others have similar
> experiences, there was one in skype forum.
I tryed to explain this to you in our private comverstaion emails, it s=
eems i=20
failed. I will try better next time.
> Regards
My sig used to be here.
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Re: Skype and more
am 31.03.2005 03:44:11 von heisspf
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 20:19:57 +0200
Richard Adams wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 March 2005 09:19, Peter wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Slackware 10.1 kernel 2.4.29
> >
> > Sometime ago I reported that skype would not open and at the same t=
> > after I had reinstalled slackware 10, xine and totem did not open a=
> > Richard Adams then suggested to reinstall slackware w/o the old /us=
> > and /home mounted, instead mount them after the installation.
> I suggested to you to install slack again without using you old /usr/=
> and /home dir=B4s to prove a point, the point i pointed out to you in=
a couple
> of previous mails, i am sure they can be found in google groups, i me=
> two things, one is the order of /etc/ and installing progra=
> yourself and possably unknowingly installing them in /usr/local/ .
> >
> > Well that worked only until I installed additional programs such as=
> > after which neither skype nor the other 2 mentioned programs would =
> > again
> >
> > When slackware is installed it puts a number of library paths into
> > /etc/ This list is headed by /usr/local/lib. Now I found=
> > this positioning was the cause of the problems. If I put /usr/local=
/lib at
> > the end of the list all programs open properly and I can install fu=
> > new programs w/o any change, meaning all programs keep on opening
> > If I just deactivate /usr/local/lib then naturally programs looking=
> > path will not open such as siag.
> The order of /etc/ is of course important, slackware has it=
> belive) in that order because slackware does not have RPMs slackers i=
> tarballs now in a tarball full of source code there is 99% of the tim=
e a=20
> program called configure supplied, one runs ./configure and all execu=
> and libs get installed into /usr/local, remember one thing if we have=
> installed and slackware does have it installed in /usr/bin and libs=20
> in /usr/lib we can expect problems for the simple reason we have 2 se=
ts of=20
> libs and 2 sets of exectuables for ONE program in our $PATH .
> To get around that so called problem ./configure has lots (and i mean=
) lots
> options, like
> --bindir=3DDIR user executables in DIR [EPREFIX/bin]
> --libdir=3DDIR object code libraries in DIR [EPREFIX/lib]
> There are around 60 different options.
> If you had used something like
> ./configure --bindir=3Dusr/bin --libdir=3D/usr/lib
> Then xine would have been installed into /usr/bin and would have over=
> the version installed by slackware at install time, if you install an=
> verion into /usr/local* then you will confuse your system and most=20
> importantly yourself.
> Now haing said that the chances are that a lib whcih got installed by=
one of
> the two programs into /usr/local/lib was incompatable with skype henc=
e skype
> fails to open.
> >
> > I just thought I will let the list know in case others have similar
> > experiences, there was one in skype forum.
> I tryed to explain this to you in our private comverstaion emails, it=
> failed. I will try better next time.
I don't think you failed. I understood what you said, except it did not=
work that way. I have to correct myself when I mention xine I actually =
gxine which was installed by slackware. I never had xine in /usr/local.=
was actually automatically replaced by gxine if i remember right. I ins=
slackware 3 times following your proposal mounting the old /usr/local l=
However each time I then installed another program, not a *.gz into
/usr/local but rpm2tgz, skype, gxine and totem failed to open until I
found my solution. And every time I move /usr/local/lib to the top in
/etc/ I get the same effect, programs won't open. Then disabl=
ing it
the programs open. So back down to the bottom of the list.
I have not tried un-installing skype and see if then gxine and totem wi=
ll open
with /usr/local/lib on the top. Since all works fine now I will not try=
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