Stats comp.mail.misc (last 7 days)

Stats comp.mail.misc (last 7 days)

am 04.04.2005 09:31:15 von robot reporter

"Caveat: Quantity is not necessarily a measure of Quality"

Newsgroup.................: comp.mail.misc
Stats Were Taken..........: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 07:16:28 GMT
Stats Begin...............: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 12:28:22 GMT
Stats End.................: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 06:03:27 GMT
Days......................: 7
Total No. of Articles.....: 79
Total No. of Characters...: 198257
Total Volume..............: 193
Messages Per Day..........: 11.3
Characters Per Day........: 28322.4
Average Daily Volume......: 27 kB
Total Posters This Week...: 37
Messages with Sigs........: 24.05%
Original Content Rating...: 73.44%

Top 10 Prolific Posters: Posts / Posts per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ==
1. Mark Crispin......................................: 7 1.0 8.9%
2. Sam...............................................: 7 1.0 8.9%
3. root..............................................: 7 1.0 8.9%
4. Per Hedeland......................................: 6 0.9 7.6%
5. 5 0.7 6.3%
6. Jean Magnan De Bornier............................: 4 0.6 5.1%
7. Plg...............................................: 3 0.4 3.8%
8. dxd...............................................: 3 0.4 3.8%
9. Marcel............................................: 2 0.3 2.5%
10. Peter Juuls.......................................: 2 0.3 2.5%

Top 10 Bandwidth-Consuming Posters: kBytes / kBytes per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ===============
1. Sam...............................................: 28 4.0 14.6%
2. Per Hedeland......................................: 19 2.8 10.2%
3. Mark Crispin......................................: 17 2.5 9.1%
4. root..............................................: 14 2.0 7.3%
5. Anne & Lynn Wheeler...............................: 14 2.0 7.3%
6. 8 1.2 4.2%
7. David Alex Lamb...................................: 7 1.1 4.1%
8. Jean Magnan De Bornier............................: 6 1.0 3.5%
9. 2003sbc21 Spam....................................: 6 1.0 3.5%
10. dxd...............................................: 4 0.7 2.6%

Top 10 Popular Threads: Posts / Posts per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ =
1. TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendm: 11 1.6 13.9%
2. resend messages...................................: 10 1.4 12.7%
3. Mail server hacked ?..............................: 9 1.3 11.4%
4. Getting Files By Mail: Server Performance.........: 8 1.1 10.1%
5. SMTP Fixup -- On or Off???........................: 8 1.1 10.1%
6. Why is HTML mail much bigger than the HTML file be: 5 0.7 6.3%
7. Need help looking for email client................: 4 0.6 5.1%
8. Searching local IMAP mailbox?.....................: 4 0.6 5.1%
9. TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendm: 3 0.4 3.8%
10. Why does text pasted into (or from) an email often: 3 0.4 3.8%

Top 10 Bandwidth-Consuming Threads: kBytes / kBytes per Day / Percent Share
============================================================ ===============
1. TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendm: 31 4.5 16.2%
2. Mail server hacked ?..............................: 18 2.6 9.3%
3. Getting Files By Mail: Server Performance.........: 17 2.4 8.9%
4. resend messages...................................: 16 2.4 8.5%
5. TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendm: 14 2.0 7.3%
6. SMTP Fixup -- On or Off???........................: 13 2.0 7.1%
7. Need help looking for email client................: 11 1.7 6.0%
8. Why is HTML mail much bigger than the HTML file be: 9 1.3 4.7%
9. Searching local IMAP mailbox?.....................: 8 1.2 4.3%
10. TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendm: 8 1.2 4.2%

Top 10 Original Content Ratings: (Original Bytes) / (Orig. + Quoted Bytes)
============================================================ ==============
1. root......................................................: 100.0%
2. Mark Crispin..............................................: 76.2%
3. Sam.......................................................: 74.3%
4. 62.0%
5. Per Hedeland..............................................: 55.2%

Top 10 Crossposting Groups: Posts in Group
1. comp.mail.sendmail.......................................... .: 24
2. .: 15
3. .: 8
4. .: 8
5. alt.internet................................................ .: 7
6. .: 7
7. comp.mail.eudora.mac........................................ .: 4
8. .: 4
9. comp.answers................................................ .: 1
10. comp.mail.imap.............................................. .: 1

End of stats for comp.mail.misc