MySQL ODBC 64-bit library for Solaris 9 does not work

MySQL ODBC 64-bit library for Solaris 9 does not work

am 06.04.2005 14:08:22 von manavm

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This is regarding the MySQL ODBC 64-bit driver for Solaris ,
which I downloaded from the site ( version number 3.51.09) . I was able to
build a sample and use it to connect to the MySQL server which is running on
Windows XP. Operations of table creation , deletion are working fine.
Connection to the MySQL server is also OK. However insertion of data seems
to be failing. For example : a simple int related entry is not getting
inserted into the table at the server side. A record is created but has
wrong values. The same is the case with char type.Note: I am using
SQLDriverConnect (Directly linking to the ODBC 64-bit driver) rather than
using a ODBC Driver Manager.

The 32-bit version which I had built works fine, but was not able to build
the 64-bit version of the same , so had picked up this version .

It would be great if you could help me out. Is there some setting at the
server side required or a particular ODBC connection string needs to be used
to connect a 64-bit MyODBC client driver to a 32-bit MySQL server.

Thanks and Regards,



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