why [permanent] modules on kernel 2.6.11-rc2?

why [permanent] modules on kernel 2.6.11-rc2?

am 09.04.2005 08:19:35 von Maximiliano Rioseco


I'm playing with kernel 2.6.11-rc2 and see that some kernel modules
are marked [permanent] when I make lsmod. This topic was treated in
linux-kernel mailing list but I quest if somebody can explain in more
detail the reason for permanent modules (is it only for debugging
reasons and will be removed in stable releases of kernel?).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Max Rioseco
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Re: why [permanent] modules on kernel 2.6.11-rc2?

am 10.04.2005 17:42:06 von Tobias Hirning

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Hi Max!
On Saturday, 9. April 2005 08:19 Maximiliano Rioseco wrote:
> I'm playing with kernel 2.6.11-rc2 and see that some kernel modules
> are marked [permanent] when I make lsmod. This topic was treated in
> linux-kernel mailing list but I quest if somebody can explain in
> more detail the reason for permanent modules (is it only for
> debugging reasons and will be removed in stable releases of
> kernel?).
Do I understand you correctly? You can't unload modules, right?
Normally in the 2.6 kernels you have to select "Module unloading" for=20
unloading modules.
I hope I could help you.
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