searching myodbc3d.dll

searching myodbc3d.dll

am 11.04.2005 22:48:24 von Camil Martel

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I am unable to find the file myodbc3d.dll for generating a MYODBC.LOG
file. Someone can send me this file or give me an URL pointing to this
file ?
I use MyODBC V3.51.11 on a MS-Windows 2003 server

Thanks a lot.

Camil Martel
Conseiller principal
Lotus CLP R5, Administration
T=E9l=E9phone : 514.288.7448, poste 27
T=E9l=E9copieur : 514.288.7792
Sans-frais : 1.877.288-7448
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Re: searching myodbc3d.dll

am 12.04.2005 20:20:47 von David Dindorp


Yes, could myodbc3d.dll PLEASE be included in the distribution .msi?

I'm guessing not, since I've pleaded for it before and nothing's
happened. Guess that there's someone high up in the hierarchy who
really doesn't like this?

Anyone care to reason why this must be so?

Best regards

Camil Martel wrote:
> I am unable to find the file myodbc3d.dll for generating a MYODBC.LOG
> file. Someone can send me this file or give me an URL pointing to this
> file ?

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