Memo to Courier: A good program -- but
am 12.04.2005 07:55:47 von ab5cvjlMemo to Courier:
Like many others these days, I am searching for, but not finding a
better email program.
I am evaluating your program for purchase and have noted some good
things in it. However, several things keep me from deciding to buy it.
Problem 1. In several free email programs, I can use the space bar to
do screen down when reading a message. These programs include Outlook
Express, Thunderbird, and Opera M2.
In one of these, Opera, I can use the backspace key to go screen up.
With these two keys, I can easily read messages, going backwards if
necessary. This was a good idea when Netscape introduced it and has
remained a good idea since.
However, in your program, for which you want money, I can't do this.
These keys go into the bit bucket. Is there a way to so use them?
Have I missed something? For me, losing this function would be going
Problem 2. Many times I want to see the subject as the first field in
the message list. I can do this in such free programs Outlook Express,
Thunderbird, and Opera M2.
However, I haven't figured out how to do it in Courier. Have I missed
something again?
Problem 3. Your program does one of the most annoying things that I
have seen a program do in a while. I am looking at the message list.
I click to read the message. Your program opens up a message window
below the original window. When it does that, it covers up my task bar
and clock. I have to move the window to get my task bar and clock
back. This annoys me no end. The program does not remember the window
setting where it closed and always opens where I don't want it to open.
Why don't you just store the closing window setting and open the
window where it was closed?
Problem 4. I can't find a way to reduce the font size in the mail
list. Isn't there one?
People will pay for a program despite free competition if they get
something for their money. Your program has some such features. But
for me, these trivial problems would take me backwards.