Problem booting linux from a Win2000 laptop

Problem booting linux from a Win2000 laptop

am 15.04.2005 17:25:54 von Vanitha Ramaswami

Hi All,

I have a Acer Laptop which has Win2000 installed in it. I installed redhat
linux in it (/dev/hda5)..But i am not able to boot the linux. I restarted
the Laptop putting the Linux Boot CD (dont have floppy drive), i am getting
the installtion screen. I dont know how to boot the linux which is
installed in the /dev/hda5 partition.

While installing linux i chose GRUB boot loader to install in /boot

Can you tell me how do i boot linux which is in /dev/hda5 partition using
the boot CD.
I could see the linux files using explore2fs..


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Re: Problem booting linux from a Win2000 laptop

am 17.04.2005 20:13:18 von Tobias Hirning

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Hi Vanitha!
On Friday, 15. April 2005 17:25 Vanitha Ramaswami wrote:
> I have a Acer Laptop which has Win2000 installed in it. I installed
> redhat linux in it (/dev/hda5)..But i am not able to boot the
> linux. I restarted the Laptop putting the Linux Boot CD (dont have
> floppy drive), i am getting the installtion screen. I dont know how
> to boot the linux which is installed in the /dev/hda5 partition.
> While installing linux i chose GRUB boot loader to install in /boot
> partition..
That's the problem. You installed GRUB in the partition and NOT in the=20
MBR. So now, when you start your laptop, the BIOS will start the=20
windows-bootmanager which is installed in MBR.

> Can you tell me how do i boot linux which is in /dev/hda5 partition
> using the boot CD.
You can mark the partition as active, but it's not so easy.
Or you can boot with the cd and install GRUB in the MBR. So GRUB will=20
be load everytime you boot and you can chose which OS to boot.
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RE: Problem booting linux from a Win2000 laptop

am 18.04.2005 11:28:07 von Vanitha Ramaswami


I didnt install on the MBR, since in the Online help of the redhat
installation disk its mentioned that for Win2K/NT the Boot loader should be
installed in the first sector of the boot partition on not on the MBR..?

Anyway i will try to install the bootloader on the MBR and see whats


On Monday, April 18, 2005 2:13 AM, Tobias Hirning
[] wrote:
> << File: ATT00010.txt; charset = utf-8 >> << File: ATT00011.att >>

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Re: Problem booting linux from a Win2000 laptop

am 19.04.2005 16:28:13 von Tobias Hirning

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Hi Vanitha!
On Monday, 18. April 2005 11:28 Vanitha Ramaswami wrote:
> I didnt install on the MBR, since in the Online help of the redhat
> installation disk its mentioned that for Win2K/NT the Boot loader
> should be installed in the first sector of the boot partition on
> not on the MBR..?
You can also do so, but then you have to mark the partition of Linux=20
as active (with fdisk or such a tool).

> Anyway i will try to install the bootloader on the MBR and see
> whats happening
I think this is the better way. I've tested this with Win2K and WinXP=20
and it works fine.
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