outer join in ms query

outer join in ms query

am 16.04.2005 19:20:35 von forum

Hello, I am a novice with SQL, I have 2 tables
bar_code | quant | date
723445...| 2 |01/03/2005


bar_code | serial_no | supplier

I want to add to the first table (transfer)
next to each barcode the suppliers name from the (imports) table.

ms query doesn't allow me to do outer joins.

I tried:
SELECT transfer.bar_code, transfer.quant, imports.supplier
FROM transfer left join imports on transfer.bar_code=imports.bar_cod
GROUP BY transfer.bar_code

and it didn't work popperly, the (transfer) table is modified.
what i want to do is very similar to the VLOOKUP function in EXCELL

Hope that someone can help me.


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