MyODBC 3.51.11 Doesn"t Work on Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger)
am 19.04.2005 01:55:42 von BBrown------_=_NextPart_001_01C54472.20FE5671
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libmyodbc.bundle won't load because it can't find the symbol =
GetPrivateProfileString that was formerly available in =
libiodbcinst.dylib. It should be using SQLGetPrivateProfileString, but, =
from looking at the code, there were problems with it on Mac OS X. I =
logged this as bug 9774 in the mysql bug database.
MySQL support is very important for our product on the Mac platform. =
Extensis would be interested in trying to address this problem in the =
MyODBC code base, but I would want to get in touch with other developers =
that are working on this in order not to duplicate efforts and to avoid =
nonobvious pitfalls.
Brooks R. Brown
Software Engineer
Extensis, Inc.
phone: 503.274.2020 x130
Empowering digital assets
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