HTML files not open in MC

HTML files not open in MC

am 01.05.2005 07:52:37 von heisspf


In the file manager program "mc" version 4.6.0 html files will not open
anymore when clicked on. Neither in X nor in console mode. In the latter lynx
should come into play.

My settings in ~/.mc/bindings are:

# html

Open=if echo "%d/%p" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer %d/%p; else $viewer
%p; fi

Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x:0.0 ]; then dillo file:%f; else lynx %f ; fi
View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f;

Run with AppletViewer=appletviewer %f

View with lynx=lynx file://%f

With this I get the error:
/tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb: line 2: file:Exotismus.html: command not found

and the file /tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb is:
#! /bin/sh
if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
/HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer file:Exotismus.html; fi

I had the problem before with dillo when I upgraded to 8.4. this was solved
adding "file:" in the line "then dillo file:%f", however, lynx always worked
in the console.

Now if I remove "file:" in the line "..else $viewer %p; fi" I get the error:
../Exotismus.html: Permission denied

and the /tmp/mc-heisspf/* reads:
if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
/HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer Exotismus.html; fi

Lynx still does not come up on the console and I get the error message:
Permission denied.

It seems in the else statement the $viewer does not get anymore the path where
the file is based.

So I added %d/ to "else $viewer %p" in .mc/bindings and I get Permission
denied, adding file:%d/%p I get command not found. In the /tmp/mc-heissp/* in
the else statement $viewer has then the correct directory path either with or
w/o file:.

How to resolve?

Thanks & regards

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Re: HTML files not open in MC

am 03.05.2005 04:49:44 von Peter

I solved the problem. My ~/.mc/bindings was apparently an old version. Copying
/usr/share/mc/mc.ext to ~/.mc/bindings and making the necessary corrections
makes diilo and lynx pop-up in split seconds again.

# html
Open=if test -n "dillo" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (dillo
file://%d/%p &) >/dev/null 2>&1; else lynx %f 2>/dev/null || lynx -force_html
%f; fi View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f

Peter H. wrote:

> In the file manager program "mc" version 4.6.0 html files will not open
> anymore when clicked on. Neither in X nor in console mode. In the latter
> lynx should come into play.
> My settings in ~/.mc/bindings are:
> ## html
> regex/\.([Hh]tml?|HTML?|stm?)$
> Open=if echo "%d/%p" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer %d/%p; else $viewer
> file:%p; fi

> Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x:0.0 ]; then dillo file:%f; else lynx %f ; fi
> View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f;
> Run with AppletViewer=appletviewer %f
> View with lynx=lynx file://%f
> With this I get the error:
> /tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb: line 2: file:Exotismus.html: command not found
> and the file /tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb is:
> ##! /bin/sh

> if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
> /home/peter
> /HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer file:Exotismus.html; fi
> I had the problem before with dillo when I upgraded to 8.4. this was solved
> adding "file:" in the line "then dillo file:%f", however, lynx always worked
> in the console.
> Now if I remove "file:" in the line "..else $viewer %p; fi" I get the error:
> ./Exotismus.html: Permission denied
> and the /tmp/mc-heisspf/* reads:
> if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
> /home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer Exotismus.html; fi
> Lynx still does not come up on the console and I get the error message:
> Permission denied.
> It seems in the else statement the $viewer does not get anymore the path
> where the file is based.
> So I added %d/ to "else $viewer %p" in .mc/bindings and I get Permission
> denied, adding file:%d/%p I get command not found. In the /tmp/mc-heissp/*
> in the else statement $viewer has then the correct directory path either
> with or w/o file:.
> How to resolve?
> Thanks & regards
> --
> Peter
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Re: HTML files not open in MC

am 03.05.2005 07:39:15 von heisspf


I solved the problem. My ~/.mc/bindings was apparently for the old version of
mc. Copying /usr/share/mc/mc.ext to ~/.mc/bindings and making the necessary
corrections makes diilo and lynx pop-up in split seconds again.

# html
Open=if test -n "dillo" && test -n "$DISPLAY"; then (dillo
file://%d/%p &) >/dev/null 2>&1; else lynx %f 2>/dev/null || lynx -force_html
%f; fi View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f

Ergo, if you upgrade upgrade the settings as well.

Peter H. wrote:

> In the file manager program "mc" version 4.6.0 html files will not open
> anymore when clicked on. Neither in X nor in console mode. In the latter
> lynx should come into play.
> My settings in ~/.mc/bindings are:
> ## html
> regex/\.([Hh]tml?|HTML?|stm?)$
> Open=if echo "%d/%p" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer %d/%p; else $viewer
> file:%p; fi

> Open=if [ x$DISPLAY = x:0.0 ]; then dillo file:%f; else lynx %f ; fi
> View=%view{ascii} lynx -dump -force_html %f;
> Run with AppletViewer=appletviewer %f
> View with lynx=lynx file://%f
> With this I get the error:
> /tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb: line 2: file:Exotismus.html: command not found
> and the file /tmp/mc-heisspf/mcexty1yKKb is:
> ##! /bin/sh

> if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
> /home/peter
> /HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer file:Exotismus.html; fi
> I had the problem before with dillo when I upgraded to 8.4. this was solved
> adding "file:" in the line "then dillo file:%f", however, lynx always worked
> in the console.
> Now if I remove "file:" in the line "..else $viewer %p; fi" I get the error:
> ./Exotismus.html: Permission denied
> and the /tmp/mc-heisspf/* reads:
> if echo "/home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html" | grep ^ftp; then $viewer
> /home/peter/HTMLs/Exotismus.html; else $viewer Exotismus.html; fi
> Lynx still does not come up on the console and I get the error message:
> Permission denied.
> It seems in the else statement the $viewer does not get anymore the path
> where the file is based.
> So I added %d/ to "else $viewer %p" in .mc/bindings and I get Permission
> denied, adding file:%d/%p I get command not found. In the /tmp/mc-heissp/*
> in the else statement $viewer has then the correct directory path either
> with or w/o file:.
> How to resolve?
> Thanks & regards
> --
> Peter

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Re: HTML files not open in MC

am 03.05.2005 17:19:07 von linux-newbie

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