php5 and Pg 8.0.3 install from sources - problem

php5 and Pg 8.0.3 install from sources - problem

am 18.05.2005 13:27:14 von Michael Korotun

Environment I am running is as follows:
OS: Fedora Core 3
Pg 8.0.3

Here is what I did:

1) uninstalled postgres rpm
2) unistalled php rpm

3) compiled from source postgre (more recent version)
4) compiled from source php (more recent version)
5) installed zend optimizer

During step 4, namely when I did make install of php I have got an error =
of was not found. I copied then it to /usr/lib and make worked. B=
when I tried to start apache it has failed to start complaining on libpq.=
something like "can't open shared segment: Permission Denied.".

Did anyone experience such problem?

P.S. Postgres itself installed from source just without any problem or wa=
But looks like a problem with its lib

Thank you for any help!

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Re: php5 and Pg 8.0.3 install from sources - problem

am 18.05.2005 13:46:31 von Volkan YAZICI


On 5/18/05, wrote:
> Environment I am running is as follows:
> OS: Fedora Core 3
> php5.0.4
> Pg 8.0.3
> 3) compiled from source postgre (more recent version)
> 4) compiled from source php (more recent version)
> 5) installed zend optimizer
> During step 4, namely when I did make install of php I have got an error =
> was not found. I copied then it to /usr/lib and make worked. B=
> when I tried to start apache it has failed to start complaining on libpq.=
> something like "can't open shared segment: Permission Denied.".

In PostgreSQL 8.0.3 release libpq major version number is changed and
this caused libpq dependent programs to break. (Further information: 000197.html)

If I'd return to your situation, it's not so feasible to just move the shared file as a solution. AFAIC, you should re-compile PHP
using correct --with-pgsql directory.

Just pass the --prefix parameter of PostgreSQL ./configure script to
PHP's ./configure script. For instance:
postgresql-8.0.3# export PGSQL_PREFIX=3D/usr
postgresql-8.0.3# ./configure --prefix=3D$PGSQL_PREFIX ...
php-5.0.4# ./configure ... --with-pgsql=3D$PGSQL_PREFIX

Hope this helps.

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?