Swish-e and unknown header bug

Swish-e and unknown header bug

am 23.05.2005 11:20:10 von pderochambeau

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;


does anyone in this list use Swish-e's spider.pl, which uses the LWP
module? If so, have you ever come across the infamous "Unknown header
line" error, which seems to be caused by a discrepancy between the
number of content bytes counted by the
spider and the actual number of content bytes.

Warning: Unknown header line: 'L>Path-Name:
http://properties.iht.com/RESales/View_Listing.asp?Lid=34-IS A0405178A'
from program stdin
err: External program failed to return required headers Path-Name:

In spider.pl, the number of contents bytes is counted thus

# ugly and maybe expensive, but perhaps more portable than "use
my $bytecount = length pack 'C0a*', $$content;

I have tried replacing that code by
use bytes;
my $bytecount = length $$content;
no bytes;

but to no avail since I still get the error.

Any help with this issue would be most appreciated.

Many thanks.

