am 02.06.2005 14:34:00 von Ahmet Bahadir KARLIi am new user for mysql. i want to use mysql server for database with Oracle
developer forms. for that i install mysql server 4.1.12. then i install myodbc 3.5.11.
i construct myodbc driver. that is it was work fine. i created a user and created a
table have one field under this user. i tried to use this table in oracle developer
forms. i first connect to sqlserver from developer. that is ok. when using the data
block wizard in Forms to create a new data block it is not work to browse available
schema and tables in the forms developer builders. but i give it table name it give me
table field. ok. after that i run forms. it work. insert a few record then save (
commit) these records, it give me a message "3 records applied and saved" ( also i
post before commit) . i run forms again but i can not see these records after execute
query on block. Also i can not see these records from sql or mysql server command line
client. can you give me any idea or suggest any solution..thanks.. it is not work
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