Establish a DSN to a remote MySQL (Please help-SOS)

Establish a DSN to a remote MySQL (Please help-SOS)

am 09.06.2005 16:06:22 von amir razi

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I have problem trying to establish a DSN from a client Windows XP to a remote MySQL server runing on Windows. I have created an acount in MySQL server, and the same acount to login to the computer. MyODBC 3.51 driver is refered for creating the DSN.

I have also granted the following previlage for the client computer.

GRANT ALL ON *.* to 'myuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';

And also granted one previlage with the host name instead of the IP.

I have not have any progress and I get the error 10060 from the Administrative Tools\ODBC Data Source configuration.

I need to access to a remote MySQL from MS Access. Please, someone explain what steps I need to proceed to get ride of problem.

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Re: Establish a DSN to a remote MySQL (Please help-SOS)

am 10.06.2005 10:18:09 von artem

Hello amir,

Thursday, June 9, 2005, 5:06:22 PM, you wrote:

> I have problem trying to establish a DSN from a client Windows XP
> to a remote MySQL server runing on Windows. I have created an acount
> in MySQL server, and the same acount to login to the computer.
> MyODBC 3.51 driver is refered for creating the DSN.

> I have also granted the following previlage for the client computer.

> GRANT ALL ON *.* to 'myuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';


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