200 GB linux showing 120 GB - Pls help

200 GB linux showing 120 GB - Pls help

am 23.06.2005 06:12:23 von Sandeep Shetty

Iâ€=99ve installed a 200 GB hard disk in Linux 2.4.7(Redhat 7.2 nec=
essary for a project) and it shows only 120 GB. Can anybody help me? If=
there is any setting to be enabled.=09

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Re: 200 GB linux showing 120 GB - Pls help

am 23.06.2005 06:33:40 von Arturas Moskvinas

> Hi,
> I've installed a 200 GB hard disk in Linux 2.4.7(Redhat 7.2 necessary for a project) and it shows only 120 GB. Can anybody help me? If there is any setting to be enabled.

I had similar problem...

Update your kernel to at least to 2.4.18 (later is better), I think in
this version of linux started to use 48bit to address disk space, so
all your disk space will "show up".

Arturas Moskvinas
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