What happened to "From "????

What happened to "From "????

am 03.07.2005 19:23:47 von Hal MacArgle

Greetings: Going bonkers with this after many reliable years of eMail
with the so called Unix From_ line; the envelope address; first line
of every message. (Or it used to be)

Trying to upgrade to Slack10.1, 2.4.29, for other reasons I like, but
can't get mail working using either the bundled getmail 4.X or
fetchmail 6.X /or/ getmail 3.X as a trial.. Once you get them to
fetch the mail I find each message is sans the From_ line so Mutt
says sth like "Not a mail directory." This must be common as Googling
reports many queries but no solutions.. The latest, I have, Mail
HOWTO's still speak about From_ and the /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
file... All my books explain the same..

This "change" is probably for security reasons, whatever, but it has
me stumped.. Is there a valid recent tutorial on the subject??

A small operation I don't want to change to Qmail, Postmail or any
others just to start the learning curve again..

Any comments or suggestions.. And, Ray, I know this isn't very
detailed because I have at least six pages of notes so far..

TIA and Cheers,

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV - Slackware GNU/Linux 9.0 (2.4.20-1)
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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 03.07.2005 21:49:07 von Ray Olszewski

Hal MacArgle wrote:
> Greetings: Going bonkers with this after many reliable years of eMail
> with the so called Unix From_ line; the envelope address; first line
> of every message. (Or it used to be)
> Trying to upgrade to Slack10.1, 2.4.29, for other reasons I like, but
> can't get mail working using either the bundled getmail 4.X or
> fetchmail 6.X /or/ getmail 3.X as a trial.. Once you get them to
> fetch the mail I find each message is sans the From_ line so Mutt
> says sth like "Not a mail directory." This must be common as Googling
> reports many queries but no solutions.. The latest, I have, Mail
> HOWTO's still speak about From_ and the /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
> file... All my books explain the same..
> This "change" is probably for security reasons, whatever, but it has
> me stumped.. Is there a valid recent tutorial on the subject??
> A small operation I don't want to change to Qmail, Postmail or any
> others just to start the learning curve again..
> Any comments or suggestions.. And, Ray, I know this isn't very
> detailed because I have at least six pages of notes so far..

As far as I can tell, Hal, based on a fairly quick check, the "From "
line still is being used in the way you (and I) are accustomed to. And
the Debian packaging system's buglist doesn't show anything like what
you see for its current version of fetchmail (6.2.5-13 in Sid/unstable)
or getmail4 (4.3.10-1 in Sid/unstable). Debian doesn't seem to have
getmail3 (at least not in Sid).

So ... unless you only want help from fellow Slackers, you should
provide just a bit more information.

1. What are the actual versions you are using (not something.X)? Are
they current?

2. In your Googling, did you find this to be a problem specific to
Slackware or do other Linux distros also have users discussing this problem?

3. Most interesting ... in an actual, downloaded mail file, is the "From
" line present or not? (Open it with vi or whatever text editor you
like, and simply take a look.) If not, is there *any* line that looks
like a message delimiter in there? If there is, please post a sample.

4. If you can, try sending a local message from one account to another
(one that won't go through the SMTP server that fetchmail downloads from
.... assuming you have a setup that lets you do this). See if such a
message has the same problem.

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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 04.07.2005 04:48:26 von Richard Adams

On Sunday 03 July 2005 19:23, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> Greetings: Going bonkers with this after many reliable years of eMail
> with the so called Unix From_ line; the envelope address; first line
> of every message. (Or it used to be)
> Trying to upgrade to Slack10.1, 2.4.29, for other reasons I like, but
> can't get mail working using either the bundled getmail 4.X or
> fetchmail 6.X /or/ getmail 3.X as a trial.. Once you get them to
> fetch the mail I find each message is sans the From_ line so Mutt
> says sth like "Not a mail directory." This must be common as Googling
> reports many queries but no solutions.. The latest, I have, Mail
> HOWTO's still speak about From_ and the /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
> file... All my books explain the same..
> This "change" is probably for security reasons, whatever, but it has
> me stumped.. Is there a valid recent tutorial on the subject??
> A small operation I don't want to change to Qmail, Postmail or any
> others just to start the learning curve again..
> Any comments or suggestions.. And, Ray, I know this isn't very
> detailed because I have at least six pages of notes so far..

Fetchmail seems to work ok here on a slack-10.1 machine, i did as Ray
suggested sent a mail to myself via my provider and retrived it with
fetchmail and i get a from header.

I have not configured fetchmail so there is no .fetchmailrc, could it be there
is a misconfiguration in your fetchmailrc file, possably a change from one
fetchmail version to another is causing the problem.??

Other than that i have no idea why you should get such a problem.

Regards Richard.

> TIA and Cheers,
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Re: What happened to "From "???

am 04.07.2005 19:23:31 von Hal MacArgle

On 07-03, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> Hal MacArgle wrote:
> >Greetings: Going bonkers with this after many reliable years of eMail
> >with the so called Unix From_ line; the envelope address; first line
> >of every message. (Or it used to be)
> >
> >Trying to upgrade to Slack10.1, 2.4.29, for other reasons I like, but
> >can't get mail working using either the bundled getmail 4.X or
> >fetchmail 6.X /or/ getmail 3.X as a trial.. Once you get them to
> >fetch the mail I find each message is sans the From_ line so Mutt
> >says sth like "Not a mail directory." This must be common as Googling
> >reports many queries but no solutions.. The latest, I have, Mail
> >HOWTO's still speak about From_ and the /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
> >file... All my books explain the same..
> >
> >This "change" is probably for security reasons, whatever, but it has
> >me stumped.. Is there a valid recent tutorial on the subject??
> >
> >A small operation I don't want to change to Qmail, Postmail or any
> >others just to start the learning curve again..
> >
> >Any comments or suggestions.. And, Ray, I know this isn't very
> >detailed because I have at least six pages of notes so far..
> As far as I can tell, Hal, based on a fairly quick check, the "From "
> line still is being used in the way you (and I) are accustomed to. And
> the Debian packaging system's buglist doesn't show anything like what
> you see for its current version of fetchmail (6.2.5-13 in Sid/unstable)
> or getmail4 (4.3.10-1 in Sid/unstable). Debian doesn't seem to have
> getmail3 (at least not in Sid).

Thanks for your reply Ray and I waited for Richard to
comment: Apparently, even though others running non-Slackware
distribs, as noted on the Web, is only a coincidence.. Since Richard
is running "out of the box" with fetchmail, there is something wrong
here, even though I've installed a vanilla Slack kernel, bare.i...
But what??

Note my .signature; I'm using Slack10.1, 2.4.29, now BUT with
the older getmail-2.3.11 and sendmail-8.11.4; and it's working fine:
The messages are in /var/spool/mail/haltec and each and every one has
the first line "From_...." (I've not tried the old fetchmail because I
like to use getmail exclusively and was only trying fetchmail to
troubleshoot.. Fetchmail requires either sendmail or procmail to
deliver the messages anyway whereas getmail doesn't, of course.)

With the bundled apps in Slack10.1;
getmail-4.2.5-noarch-1.tgz -- sendmail-8.13.3-i486.tgz --
fetchmail-6.2.5-i486-1.tgz and procmail-3.15.2-i386-1.tgz; all the
messages either using getmail /or/ fetchmail have the first line
From: (plus the regular ip address and time/date of course... When I
try to look at the /var/spool/mail/haltec file; Mutt says "not a
mailbox." MailX says, "no mail."

> So ... unless you only want help from fellow Slackers, you should
> provide just a bit more information.
> 1. What are the actual versions you are using (not something.X)? Are
> they current?

Hopefully answered above.

> 2. In your Googling, did you find this to be a problem specific to
> Slackware or do other Linux distros also have users discussing this problem?

I saw no mention of Slackware at all just some nasty flames
about the situation all from other distributions that may, or may
not, be derived from Slackware but were all GUI types AFAIK...

> 3. Most interesting ... in an actual, downloaded mail file, is the "From
> " line present or not? (Open it with vi or whatever text editor you
> like, and simply take a look.) If not, is there *any* line that looks
> like a message delimiter in there? If there is, please post a sample.

Cant post a sample because, in despiration , I purged
all the tests to start with a level playing field.. Can only mention
that as originally setup all the messages had: From: as the very
first word, whereas, when working "properly", now with the older
apps; the first word is From_.. Of course I mean; From(spc) that's as
old as Unix IIRC... I've seen it listed as "From_" many times so
thought that proper...

> 4. If you can, try sending a local message from one account to another
> (one that won't go through the SMTP server that fetchmail downloads from
> .. assuming you have a setup that lets you do this). See if such a
> message has the same problem.

I can't try this right now, but local mail from one user to
another is not a problem with my present "old" lashup... That's a
good thought though: Perhaps the ISP, with the newer apps only, is
changing the INet's From_ to From: somewhere along the line.. I note
my ISP uses QMail, so that could be the problem because all this new
stuff about having each mail message as a separate file was derived
from QMail, IIRC... At any rate, whatever, I'm locked into what I'm
using until I can sort more of this out.. Meanwhile the learning
curve bounces around, eh??

I would still like to find a tutorial about why the QMail
message method, etc and so forth.. Maybe it's worth getting involved,
eh?? I did find much mention of "mbox" "Maildir" and other things
guaranteed to confuse this tired old mind... The spammers have done
their homework well it seems.


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 04.07.2005 19:36:47 von Hal MacArgle

On 07-04, Richard Adams wrote:
> On Sunday 03 July 2005 19:23, Hal MacArgle wrote:
> > Greetings: Going bonkers with this after many reliable years of eMail
> > with the so called Unix From_ line; the envelope address; first line
> > of every message. (Or it used to be)
> >
> > Trying to upgrade to Slack10.1, 2.4.29, for other reasons I like, but
> > can't get mail working using either the bundled getmail 4.X or
> > fetchmail 6.X /or/ getmail 3.X as a trial.. Once you get them to
> > fetch the mail I find each message is sans the From_ line so Mutt
> > says sth like "Not a mail directory." This must be common as Googling
> > reports many queries but no solutions.. The latest, I have, Mail
> > HOWTO's still speak about From_ and the /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
> > file... All my books explain the same..
> >
> > This "change" is probably for security reasons, whatever, but it has
> > me stumped.. Is there a valid recent tutorial on the subject??
> >
> > A small operation I don't want to change to Qmail, Postmail or any
> > others just to start the learning curve again..
> >
> > Any comments or suggestions.. And, Ray, I know this isn't very
> > detailed because I have at least six pages of notes so far..

> Fetchmail seems to work ok here on a slack-10.1 machine, i did as Ray
> suggested sent a mail to myself via my provider and retrived it with
> fetchmail and i get a from header.
> I have not configured fetchmail so there is no .fetchmailrc, could it be there
> is a misconfiguration in your fetchmailrc file, possably a change from one
> fetchmail version to another is causing the problem.??

Greetings and thanks Richard.. Both fetchmail and getmail do the
same.. Please take a peek at my reply to Ray.. And; I tried fetchmail
with command line only entries and the messages still arrived with
the From: line instead of From_....

Can I presume you are using the vanilla bare.i kernel and a
vanilla Slackware 10.1 setup?? Presuming the packages in that distrib
are being used and working fine really throws me a curve so I've got
to suspect my ISP is doing something to the incoming mail but ONLY
with Slack10.1's apps, NOT with the older apps I'm now using to keep
the eMail flowing... I'm going to setup yet another machine with
10.1, vanilla and see what I can learn.. If it IS the ISP's
shenanigans I'm stuck with my work around as I sure don't want to
change them as they're the best ISP we've ever had running SunSPARC,
but using QMail of course...

> Other than that i have no idea why you should get such a problem.

We'll find out or drown in the process. Never a dull
moment anyway, eh?? I really like 10.1 so far and suspect you do


Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "???

am 04.07.2005 23:06:38 von Ray Olszewski

Hal MacArgle wrote:
>>3. Most interesting ... in an actual, downloaded mail file, is the "From
>>" line present or not? (Open it with vi or whatever text editor you
>>like, and simply take a look.) If not, is there *any* line that looks
>>like a message delimiter in there? If there is, please post a sample.
> Cant post a sample because, in despiration , I purged
> all the tests to start with a level playing field.. Can only mention
> that as originally setup all the messages had: From: as the very
> first word, whereas, when working "properly", now with the older
> apps; the first word is From_.. Of course I mean; From(spc) that's as
> old as Unix IIRC... I've seen it listed as "From_" many times so
> thought that proper...

When you refer to the fist line, do you mean a line that resembles the
following (taken from a raw mail file here):

From REI@email.rei.com Mon Jul 04 09:46:34 2005

but that differs from this form only in that it begins with "From:"
instead of "From "?

Or do you mean that a different sort of line, but one beginning with
"From:", is the first line now?

I'm guessing you mean the first of these, and if so, the culprit is most
likely a bad sendmail-style rewriting rule somewhere in a config file
for something ... whether fetchmail, getmail, sendmail, or something
else (do you use procmail or an equivalent with this setup, for
instance?) I cannot say.

Check the various apps' config files for any rules that involve the word
"From" and see if you hit the jackpot.

Beyond that ... are you *certain* that both apps are giving you the
problem? Did you start with a clean inbox each time you tested, or might
(say) existing messages with the getmail problem have still been present
during the fetchmail test?

And the last thing I can think of is to run tcpdump, or something
similar, to capture the packets your ISP actually sends, to see if the
"From: is in them, rather then being rewritten locally.
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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 05.07.2005 14:53:08 von Hal MacArgle

On 07-05, Peter wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using slack 10.1, kernel 2.4.29, sendmail-8.13.3 and getmail 4.2.5 and
> all the mail has the From: ,however, none has From_ . In fact I have never
> seen that.

Greetings again Peter and thanks much for the input..

I have additional suggestions from Ray that I'll respond to
but since you're using a similar lash up I have some more queries for
you if OK:

Of course the Unix From_, as the first string in every
message, has been around for more than the 15 years I've been running
Unix.. It is the way the messages are kept separate in the one file
that contains all of them; heretofore, usually,
/var/spool/mail/$LOGIN.. That was my first head thumper; the change
to the first string being From:...

What mailer, MUA, are you using?? I use either Mutt or MailX,
now called 'Nail' for some reason, but still invoked with the symlink
'mail'... During all this I tried Pine with the same problem so I
removed it..

Where do your "From:" messages go? In /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
or to another directory/folder in userspace?? As I understand it;
QMail type mail stores each message individually rather than in one,
could be large, file at /var/spool/mail....

My original problem came to light on the machine that didn't
have any version of Sendmail installed because, IIRC, Getmail doesn't
need Sendmail or Procmail to deliver messages, like Fetchmail, etc..

One final query: Can you invoke: env in any of your
userspace or even root and tell me what the variable $MAIL reports?
For years the "normal" has always been /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME..
Will be interesting to see what your working box reports..

We'll keep hacking away as the learning abounds.. Thanks.

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "???

am 05.07.2005 15:32:11 von Hal MacArgle

On 07-04, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> Hal MacArgle wrote:
> [...]
> >>3. Most interesting ... in an actual, downloaded mail file, is the "From
> >>" line present or not? (Open it with vi or whatever text editor you
> >>like, and simply take a look.) If not, is there *any* line that looks
> >>like a message delimiter in there? If there is, please post a sample.
> >
> >
> > Cant post a sample because, in despiration , I purged
> >all the tests to start with a level playing field.. Can only mention
> >that as originally setup all the messages had: From: as the very
> >first word, whereas, when working "properly", now with the older
> >apps; the first word is From_.. Of course I mean; From(spc) that's as
> >old as Unix IIRC... I've seen it listed as "From_" many times so
> >thought that proper...

> When you refer to the fist line, do you mean a line that resembles the
> following (taken from a raw mail file here):
> From REI@email.rei.com Mon Jul 04 09:46:34 2005

Yes; typically, your msg was:

From linux-newbie-owner@vger.kernel.org Tue Jul 5 12:13:49 2005

During the "problem" time that first string would have been:
From: thence the rest as above... Both Mutt and MailX balked at
that.. And Peter Heiss says that his incoming mail has From: as the
first string., but didn't mention the mailer used.. I've asked him..
And, apparently, your Debian lashup uses the "older" and "normal"
way to separate messages.. Maybe Sid different than Woody??

> Or do you mean that a different sort of line, but one beginning with
> "From:", is the first line now?

Yes, the normal From_ was viewed as From:

> I'm guessing you mean the first of these, and if so, the culprit is most
> likely a bad sendmail-style rewriting rule somewhere in a config file
> for something ... whether fetchmail, getmail, sendmail, or something
> else (do you use procmail or an equivalent with this setup, for
> instance?) I cannot say.

The "problem" run did not have sendmail installed at all
because getmail doesn't require it for local mail delivery..
Fetchmail requires either sendmail or procmail for delivery so I just
let it use procmail for the tests..

> Check the various apps' config files for any rules that involve the word
> "From" and see if you hit the jackpot.

I grepped From_ and From: till blue in the face and probably
got so confused that that added to my confusion.. I did find
one possible problem along those lines though; in that the newer
version of Mutt's .muttrc file has some added parameters that are not
in the older .muttrc file I was using for convenience.. One; set
envelope_from=no (the default) may or may not have a bearing.. I plan
on trying that soon.. To add to the confusion I can't use the newest
Sendmail because it doesn't support masquerades, probably for
security, which I feel I need... It never ends, eh??

> Beyond that ... are you *certain* that both apps are giving you the
> problem? Did you start with a clean inbox each time you tested, or might
> (say) existing messages with the getmail problem have still been present
> during the fetchmail test?

This was a clean fresh install in a newly setup partition..
When you say clean "inbox" do you mean; /var/spool/mail/haltec?? If
so yes, because Slackware's install does not do this automatically..
When Mutt is invoked for the first time it reminds you to do this on
your own... I've asked Peter what his lashup looks like since he's
using the same Slack distrib for eMail.. I note that QMail type
mailboxes use the designation "Maildir" and that directory contains
at least 3 subdirectories, names sth like "cur" and two others.. Very
confusing, that's why I'm looking for a down to earth tutorial..
Hashing around in the dark isn't very productive..

> And the last thing I can think of is to run tcpdump, or something
> similar, to capture the packets your ISP actually sends, to see if the
> "From: is in them, rather then being rewritten locally.

That's an excellent suggestion.. I'm learning. The
normal report, in my case, for incoming mail is from Getmail and is,
for all practical purposes, the same with either the getmail2 or
getmail3/4 series.. The only diff, of course, is that getmail2 stores
the mail with From_ and getmail3 or 4 with From:... I, maybe, should
talk to the ISP except they're so busy and only one or two there know
Unix, even though they run SunSPARC..

At any rate I have a basis now for more intelligent hacking
to see what cooks.. I suspect; a lot of it is ME.... Ugh.. What was
it that someone said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing?"

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "???

am 05.07.2005 17:35:52 von Hal MacArgle

Hold the phone; I found a fix or, at least, a work around..

Apparently default getmail-4.2.5 wants a QMail type Maildir to work
with. The thread will show that I tried all kinds of ways to make
getmail NOT change the From_ to From: -- to no avail up till now..

Re-reading the getmail docs, more carefully this time, I discovered
another parameter "MultiDestination" that I, previously, bypassed
because I didn't need more than one destination..

However, if I use that parameter with the following entry:
destination=("/var/spool/mail/haltec", )
all falls into place.. Of course I have a different
~/.getmail/getmailrc file for each user... Getmail now fetches the
mail with the "proper", to me, From_ line....

Getmail reports one parse error in the above but does work well
anyway.. Maybe if I, actually, add another destination it wont?

On to the next problem?? APPRECIATE..

BTW Peter, my first mail to your address bounced?? "No such

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 06.07.2005 09:57:32 von heisspf

> On 07-05, Peter wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using slack 10.1, kernel 2.4.29, sendmail-8.13.3 and getmail 4.2.5
> > all the mail has the From: ,however, none has From_ . In fact I have never

> > seen that.

On Tue, 5 Jul 2005 08:53:08 -0400
Hal MacArgle wrote:

> Greetings again Peter and thanks much for the input..
> I have additional suggestions from Ray that I'll respond to
> but since you're using a similar lash up I have some more queries for
> you if OK:
> Of course the Unix From_, as the first string in every
> message, has been around for more than the 15 years I've been running
> Unix.. It is the way the messages are kept separate in the one file
> that contains all of them; heretofore, usually,
> /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN.. That was my first head thumper; the change
> to the first string being From:...
> What mailer, MUA, are you using?? I use either Mutt or MailX,
> now called 'Nail' for some reason, but still invoked with the symlink
> 'mail'... During all this I tried Pine with the same problem so I
> removed it..
> Where do your "From:" messages go? In /var/spool/mail/$LOGIN
> or to another directory/folder in userspace?? As I understand it;
> QMail type mail stores each message individually rather than in one,
> could be large, file at /var/spool/mail....
> My original problem came to light on the machine that didn't
> have any version of Sendmail installed because, IIRC, Getmail doesn't
> need Sendmail or Procmail to deliver messages, like Fetchmail, etc..
> One final query: Can you invoke: env in any of your
> userspace or even root and tell me what the variable $MAIL reports?
> For years the "normal" has always been /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME..
> Will be interesting to see what your working box reports..


Sorry not to have mentioned all my setup. I am using procmail to filter my
mail and for MUA I use mainly exmh, then mail>nail and occasionally like now
sylpheed-claw. Exmh and sylpheed compliment each other both using
nmh. Therefore no mail ever enters /var/mail/heisspf instead goes straight to
various mail boxes and for spam to> /dev/null.

Since I used Pine only briefly in the beginning with Linux and then quickly
switched to exmh with procmail I do not remember having seen From_.

Thanks for pointing out to me that my mail now comes from meridian.ph. This is
the provider for my broadband connection, however, I have no e-mail account
with them, therefore, the mail will bounce. I was not aware of this problem.
Will see how to sort this out.

> We'll keep hacking away as the learning abounds.. Thanks.

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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 06.07.2005 15:33:46 von Hal MacArgle

On 07-06, Peter wrote:

> > One final query: Can you invoke: env in any of your
> > userspace or even root and tell me what the variable $MAIL reports?
> > For years the "normal" has always been /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME..
> > Will be interesting to see what your working box reports..
> MAIL=/var/mail/heisspf

OK another enlightenment.. /var/mail/heisspf will also be
mirrored, exactly, as /var/spool/mail/heisspf... But you are not
using that..

> Sorry not to have mentioned all my setup. I am using procmail to filter my
> mail and for MUA I use mainly exmh, then mail>nail and occasionally like now
> sylpheed-claw. Exmh and sylpheed compliment each other both using
> nmh. Therefore no mail ever enters /var/mail/heisspf instead goes straight to
> various mail boxes and for spam to> /dev/null.
> Since I used Pine only briefly in the beginning with Linux and then quickly
> switched to exmh with procmail I do not remember having seen From_.
> Thanks for pointing out to me that my mail now comes from meridian.ph. This is
> the provider for my broadband connection, however, I have no e-mail account
> with them, therefore, the mail will bounce. I was not aware of this problem.
> Will see how to sort this out.

OK, so you've changed over to the "new" mail schemes all the
way.. All the queries answered with a little more knowledge, for
better or worse, eh?? I may have a rocky road ahead..

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 07.07.2005 09:17:32 von heisspf

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 09:33:46 -0400
Hal MacArgle wrote:


> OK another enlightenment.. /var/mail/heisspf will also be
> mirrored, exactly, as /var/spool/mail/heisspf... But you are not
> using that..

ls -l /var/mail -> spool/mail

No, it's not used with my setup.

> OK, so you've changed over to the "new" mail schemes all the
> way.. All the queries answered with a little more knowledge, for
> better or worse, eh?? I may have a rocky road ahead..
> --

Excellent pages to learn about how to filter with procmail even for our aged

http://www.beedub.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/27 ...../29

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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 07.07.2005 09:23:04 von heisspf

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005 09:33:46 -0400
Hal MacArgle wrote:

Forgot to mentioned, checked in some old mail box when I used pine and surely
there is the From_

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Re: What happened to "From "????

am 09.07.2005 13:55:05 von Hal MacArgle

Greetings: Last time around both your addresses bounced. Let's see
what this one does..

On 07-07, Peter wrote:
> Excellent pages to learn about how to filter with procmail even for our aged
> brains:
> http://www.beedub.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi/27 ...../29

Directed mostly to MH Mailbox users of course but linked to a
detailed tome that covers all bases including the old mbox format..
I'm beginning to learn something about Mail after using it for years
in the "dark." It may be much easier to continue using the big
D on spam rather than the agony of filters... We'll see...

BTW; I've gone back to Getmail2 and Sendmail8.11 because the
newer combinations are Catch22, to me anyway, one problem spawning
another; on and on... If it aint broke--don't fix it, eh??

Hal - in Terra Alta, WV/US - Slackware GNU/Linux 10.1 (2.4.29)
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