Gatrixx NetSolutions

Gatrixx NetSolutions

am 14.07.2005 14:51:37 von Neal Morrison

Hello out there,

her is my problem:
I get some XML Data in utf8.
After I fetched the data I decode it from uft8 into latin1 like this:

use Unicode::String;

$utf_temp = Unicode::String::utf8($headline);
$headline = $utf_temp->latin1();

After this everything works fine. When I print the SQL query on STDOUT
it looks like this:
write(1, "INSERT INTO news
(ext_id,quelle_id,datum,headline) VALUES
(\'19971\',42,1120049280,\'Wiederanstieg auf den

But when I send this query to the mysql server it looks like this:
write(7, "\227\0\0\0\3INSERT INTO news
(ext_id,quelle_id,datum,headline) VALUES
(\'19971\',42,1120049280,\'Wiederanstieg auf den

In both cases it's just the same variable $query.

Can anybody help me out?

Regards, Neal

perl version v5.8.5
mysql server version: 4.1.11-max-log

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